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CVS Commit History:

   2022-04-13 09:51:02 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (106) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after go117 update
   2022-04-09 20:49:49 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
gopls: update to 0.8.2

New Features

Fuzz target inference: Gopls will now infer the type of Fuzz targets from
preceding testing.F.Add statements.

Generic completion improvements: This release includes several improvements to
auto-completion of generic code. For example, completion of type or function
instantiation now prefers types that are in terms of the constraint type set.


The timing of this release is primarily driven by golang/vscode-go#2121, a
panic when files are missing a go directive. We received enough reports
of this crash to know that it was affecting a significant number of users.
Thanks to all those who reported issues - your diligence helps us make gopls
   2022-03-30 10:23:21 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
gopls: update to 0.8.1.

This is a small release to pick up some bugfixes/improvements for Go 1.18 support.
   2022-03-08 09:33:03 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
gopls: update to 0.8.0.

Go version support

Support for Go 1.18

Version 0.8.0 of gopls supports features added to Go 1.18,

    Support for multi-module workspaces using files.
    Diagnostics for Fuzz tests.  Improved support for generics.

To use these features, gopls must be installed using Go 1.18. See for the latest status of Go 1.18 -- as of writing Go 1.18
is not yet released, but Go 1.18 RC1 may be used.

Dropped support for Go 1.12

Version 0.8.0 of gopls no longer supports building at Go 1.12. See
golang/go#50827 for more details.

New Features integration

Gopls now supports multi-module workspaces using files. To
use this feature, create a file that includes the modules
you want to work on, and then open your editor to the directory
containing For more information, see the reference,
or the gopls documentation for multi-module workspaces.

Diagnostics for Fuzz tests

When writing Fuzz tests, gopls provides diagnostics for invalid
arguments to Fuzz.

Improved support for generics

Honor the language version configured in go.mod

gopls now provides diagnostics for language features based on the
go directive in the applicable go.mod file for a package.

For some errors related to incompatible language versions, gopls
offers a quick-fix to update the go.mod Go version. (note that if
the go.mod file is open, it may need to be saved in order for
language version changes to take effect)


Improved completion with type parameters

Gopls autocompletion is improved in several contexts when using
generic types.


New code action to add missing method stubs

Gopls now provides a code action to implement missing methods.

Improved performance and accuracy for workspace symbol requests

Workspace symbols uses a new fuzzy matcher that is up to 3x faster
than previous, and has improved ranking. See golang/go#50016 for
more details. Note that the first time workspace symbols are
requested, there may be a delay as the symbol cache is populated.

Improved gofumpt integration

Gopls now sets the language version and module path when invoking
gofumpt, allowing more accurate formatting based on context.
   2022-03-07 10:14:13 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (106) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after go117 update
   2022-02-13 20:24:33 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (106) | Package updated
Log message:
Revump all Go packages after go117 update
   2022-01-23 23:10:27 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
gopls: update to 0.7.5.

Configuration changes

templateExtensions now defaults to []

Following feedback on the template features introduced with v0.7.4,
we have made improvements to the way the active set of template
files is configured. The templateExtensions setting is now empty
by default, and gopls recognizes any open files with the "gotmpl"
language identifier as a template file. As a result, unopened files
will not be loaded as Go templates unless the templateExtensions
is configured to be non-empty, but gopls will still provide template
language features to any open files configured to be Go template
files by the LSP client.

As always, your feedback helps make gopls better, and is greatly


New postfix completions

    The split! completion on values of string type inserts a
    strings.Split snippet.  split

    The join! completion on values of []string type inserts a
    strings.Join snippet.  join

New suggested fix for unused function parameters

The diagnostic for unused function parameters now includes a
suggested fix to rename the parameter to _. This diagnostic is
disabled by default, but can be enabled via the unusedparams setting
in the analyses section.
   2022-01-09 21:10:41 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (103) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after go117 update
   2022-01-05 22:47:57 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
gopls: update to 0.7.4.


Editing support for Go template files

Gopls support for template files is now generally available. While
editing files intended for use with the text/template or html/template
packages, gopls can provide completion, syntax highlighting,
jump-to-definition, find references, and diagnostics.

To use this feature, your editor or LSP client must be configured
to activate gopls for Go template files. By default, gopls considers
files ending with .tmpl or .gotmpl to be template files, though
this is configurable via the templateExtensions setting. More
information in the documentation.

Improved support for generic code when using the Go 1.18 beta

This release includes several bug fixes related to editing generic
code, as well as many improvements to diagnostic precision when
operating on type parameters. See the documentation for instructions
on how to build gopls using a version of Go that supports generic
   2021-12-09 18:50:21 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (102) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after go117 update

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