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CVS Commit History:

   2024-04-15 18:43:57 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (6) | Package updated
Log message:
sqlite3: updated to 3.45.3

3.45.3 (2024-04-15):

Fix a long-standing bug (going back to version 3.24.0) that might (rarely) cause \ 
the "old.*" values of an UPDATE trigger to be incorrect if that \ 
trigger fires in response to an UPSERT. Forum post 284955a3cd454a15.
Fix a bug in sum() that could cause it to return NULL when it should return \ 
Infinity. Forum post 23b8688ef4.
Other trifling corrections and compiler warning fixes that have come up since \ 
the previous patch release. See the timeline for details.
   2024-03-14 09:07:11 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (6) | Package updated
Log message:
sqlite3: updated to 3.45.2

version 3.45.2 (2024-03-12):

Fix an error in UPSERT, introduced by enhancement 3a in version 3.35.0 \ 
(2021-03-12), that could cause an index to get out-of-sync with its table. Forum \ 
thread 919c6579c8.
Reduce the scope of the NOT NULL strength reduction optimization that was added \ 
as item 8e in version 3.35.0 (2021-03-12). The optimization was being attempted \ 
in some contexts where it did not work, resulting in incorrect query results. \ 
Forum thread 440f2a2f17.
Other trifling corrections and compiler warning fixes that have come up since \ 
the previous patch release. See the timeline for details.
   2024-01-30 21:13:21 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (6) | Package updated
Log message:
sqlite3* lemon: updated to 3.45.1

version 3.45.1 (2024-01-30):

Restore the JSON BLOB input bug, and promise to support the anomaly in \ 
subsequent releases, for backward compatibility.
Fix the PRAGMA integrity_check command so that it works on read-only databases \ 
that contain FTS3 and FTS5 tables. This resolves an issue introduced in version \ 
3.44.0 but was undiscovered until after the 3.45.0 release.
Fix issues associated with processing corrupt JSONB inputs:
Prevent exponential runtime when converting a corrupt JSONB into text.
Fix a possible read of one byte past the end of the JSONB blob when converting a \ 
corrupt JSONB into text.
Enhanced testing using jfuzz to prevent any future JSONB problems such as the above.
Fix a long-standing bug in which a read of a few bytes past the end of a \ 
memory-mapped segment might occur when accessing a craftily corrupted database \ 
using memory-mapped database.
Fix a long-standing bug in which a NULL pointer dereference might occur in the \ 
bytecode engine due to incorrect bytecode being generated for a class of SQL \ 
statements that are deliberately designed to stress the query planner but which \ 
are otherwise pointless.
   2024-01-17 09:24:19 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (6) | Package updated
Log message:
sqlite3: updated to 3.45.0

SQLite Release 3.45.0 On 2024-01-15

Added the SQLITE_RESULT_SUBTYPE property for application-defined SQL functions. \ 
All application defined SQL functions that invokes sqlite3_result_subtype() must \ 
be registered with this new property. Failure to do so might cause the call to \ 
sqlite3_result_subtype() to behave as a no-op. Compile with \ 
-DSQLITE_STRICT_SUBTYPE=1 to cause an SQL error to be raised if a function that \ 
is not SQLITE_RESULT_SUBTYPE tries invokes sqlite3_result_subtype(). The use of \ 
-DSQLITE_STRICT_SUBTYPE=1 is a recommended compile-time option for every \ 
application that makes use of subtypes.
Enhancements to the JSON SQL functions:
All JSON functions are rewritten to use a new internal parse tree format called \ 
JSONB. The new parse-tree format is serializable and hence can be stored in the \ 
database to avoid unnecessary re-parsing whenever the JSON value is used.
New versions of JSON-generating functions generate binary JSONB instead of JSON text.
The json_valid() function adds an optional second argument that specifies what \ 
it means for the first argument to be "well-formed".
Add the FTS5 tokendata option to the FTS5 virtual table.
The SQLITE_DIRECT_OVERFLOW_READ optimization is now enabled by default. Disable \ 
it at compile-time using -DSQLITE_DIRECT_OVERFLOW_READ=0.
Query planner improvements:
Do not allow the transitive constraint optimization to trick the query planner \ 
into using a range constraint when a better equality constraint is available. \ 
(Forum post 2568d1f6e6.)
The query planner now does a better job of disregarding indexes that ANALYZE \ 
identifies as low-quality. (Forum post 6f0958b03b.)
Increase the default value for SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_COUNT from 1073741824 to 4294967294.
Enhancements to the CLI:
Improvements to the display of UTF-8 content on Windows
Automatically detect playback of ".dump" scripts and make appropriate \ 
changes to settings such as ".dbconfig defensive off" and \ 
".dbconfig dqs_dll on".
   2023-11-25 22:07:39 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (8) | Package updated
Log message:
sqlite3: updated to 3.44.2

3.44.1 (2023-11-22):

Change the CLI so that it uses UTF-16 for console I/O on Windows. This enables \ 
proper display of unicode text on old Windows7 machines.
Other obscure bug fixes.

3.44.2 (2023-11-24):

Fix a mistake in the CLI that was introduced by the fix (item 15 above) in 3.44.1.
Fix a problem in FTS5 that was discovered during internal fuzz testing only \ 
minutes after the 3.44.1 release was tagged.
Fix incomplete assert() statements that the fuzzer discovered the day after the \ 
previous release.
Fix a couple of harmless compiler warnings that appeared in debug builds with GCC 16.
   2023-11-01 21:46:04 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (6) | Package updated
Log message:
sqlite3: updated to 3.44.0

SQLite Release 3.44.0 On 2023-11-01

Aggregate functions can now include an ORDER BY clause after their last \ 
parameter. The arguments to the function are processed in the order specified. \ 
This can be important for functions like string_agg() and json_group_array().
Add support for the concat() and concat_ws() scalar SQL functions, compatible \ 
with PostgreSQL, SQLServer, and MySQL.
Add support for the string_agg() aggregate SQL function, compatible with \ 
PostgreSQL and SQLServer.
New conversion letters on the strftime() SQL function: %e %F %I %k %l %p %P %R %T %u
Add new C-language APIs: sqlite3_get_clientdata() and sqlite3_set_clientdata().
Many errors associated with CREATE TABLE are now raised when the CREATE TABLE \ 
statement itself is run, rather than being deferred until the first time the \ 
table is actually used.
The PRAGMA integrity_check command now verifies the consistency of the content \ 
in various built-in virtual tables using the new xIntegrity method. This works \ 
for the FTS3, FTS4, FTS5, RTREE, and GEOPOLY extensions.
The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE setting now prevents PRAGMA writable_schema from \ 
being turned on. Previously writable_schema could be turned on, but would not \ 
actually allow the schema to be writable. Now it simply cannot be turned on.
Tag the built-in FTS3, FTS4, FTS5, RTREE, and GEOPOLY virtual tables as \ 
SQLITE_VTAB_INNOCUOUS so that they can be used inside of triggers in \ 
high-security deployments.
The PRAGMA case_sensitive_like statement is deprecated, as its use when the \ 
schema contains LIKE operators can lead to reports of database corruption by \ 
PRAGMA integrity_check.
SQLITE_USE_SEH (Structured Exception Handling) is now enabled by default \ 
whenever SQLite is built using the Microsoft C compiler. It can be disabled \ 
Query planner optimizations:
In partial index scans, if the WHERE clause implies a constant value for a table \ 
column, replace occurrences of that table column with the constant. This \ 
increases the likelihood of the partial index being a covering index.
Disable the view-scan optimization (added in version 3.42.0 - item 1c) as it was \ 
causing multiple performance regressions. In its place, reduce the estimated row \ 
count for DISTINCT subqueries by a factor of 8.
SQLite now performs run-time detection of whether or not the underlying hardware \ 
supports "long double" with precision greater than "double" \ 
and uses appropriate floating-point routines depending on what it discovered.
The CLI for Windows now defaults to using UTF-8 for both input and output on \ 
platforms that support it. The --no-utf8 option is available to disable UTF8 \ 
   2023-10-10 18:16:49 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (6) | Package updated
Log message:
sqlite3: updated to 3.43.2

Changes in this specific patch release, version 3.43.2 (2023-10-10):

Fix a couple of obscure UAF errors and an obscure memory leak.
Omit the use of the sprintf() function from the standard library in the CLI, as \ 
this now generates warnings on some platforms.
Avoid conversion of a double into unsigned long long integer, as some platforms \ 
do not do such conversions correctly.
   2023-09-12 21:28:13 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (7) | Package updated
Log message:
sqlite3: updated to 3.43.1


Fix a regression in the way that the sum(), avg(), and total() aggregate \ 
functions handle infinities.
Fix a bug in the json_array_length() function that occurs when the argument \ 
comes directly from json_remove().
Fix the omit-unused-subquery-columns optimization (introduced in in version \ 
3.42.0) so that it works correctly if the subquery is a compound where one arm \ 
is DISTINCT and the other is not.
Other minor fixes.
   2023-08-25 08:48:00 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (6) | Package updated
Log message:
databases/sqlite3* devel/lemon: updated to 2.43.0

SQLite Release 3.43.0 On 2023-08-24

Add support for Contentless-Delete FTS5 Indexes. This is a variety of FTS5 \ 
full-text search index that omits storing the content that is being indexed \ 
while also allowing records to be deleted.
Enhancements to the date and time functions:
Added new time shift modifiers of the form ±YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS.
Added the timediff() SQL function.
Added the octet_length(X) SQL function.
Added the sqlite3_stmt_explain() API.
Query planner enhancements:
Generalize the LEFT JOIN strength reduction optimization so that it works for \ 
RIGHT and FULL JOINs as well. Rename it to OUTER JOIN strength reduction.
Enhance the theorem prover in the OUTER JOIN strength reduction optimization so \ 
that it returns fewer false-negatives.
Enhancements to the decimal extension:
New function decimal_pow2(N) returns the N-th power of 2 for integer N between \ 
-20000 and +20000.
New function decimal_exp(X) works like decimal(X) except that it returns the \ 
result in exponential notation - with a "e+NN" at the end.
If X is a floating-point value, then the decimal(X) function now does a full \ 
expansion of that value into its exact decimal equivalent.
Performance enhancements to JSON processing results in a 2x performance \ 
improvement for some kinds of processing on large JSON strings.
New makefile target "verify-source" checks to ensure that there are no \ 
unintentional changes in the source tree. (Works for canonical source code only \ 
- not for precompiled amalgamation tarballs.)
Added the SQLITE_USE_SEH compile-time option that enables Structured Exception \ 
Handling on Windows while working with the memory-mapped shm file that is part \ 
of WAL mode processing. This option is enabled by default when building on \ 
Windows using Makefile.msc.
The VFS for unix now assumes that the nanosleep() system call is available \ 
unless compiled with -DHAVE_NANOSLEEP=0.
   2023-05-17 14:29:58 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (8) | Package updated
Log message:
sqlite3: updated to 3.42.0

SQLite Release 3.42.0 On 2023-05-16

Add the FTS5 secure-delete command. This option causes all forensic traces to be \ 
removed from the FTS5 inverted index when content is deleted.
Enhance the JSON SQL functions to support JSON5 extensions.
The SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG and SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE_HDRSZ calls to sqlite3_config() \ 
are now allowed to occur after sqlite3_initialize().
New sqlite3_db_config() options: SQLITE_DBCONFIG_STMT_SCANSTATUS and \ 
Query planner improvements:
Enable the "count-of-view" optimization by default.
Avoid computing unused columns in subqueries.
Improvements to the push-down optimization.
Enhancements to the CLI:
Add the --unsafe-testing command-line option. Without this option, some \ 
dot-commands (ex: ".testctrl") are now disabled because those commands \ 
that are intended for testing only and can cause malfunctions misused.
Allow commands ".log on" and ".log off", even in --safe mode.
"--" as a command-line argument means all subsequent arguments that \ 
start with "-" are interpreted as normal non-option argument.
Magic parameters ":inf" and ":nan" bind to floating point \ 
literals Infinity and NaN, respectively.
The --utf8 command-line option omits all translation to or from MBCS on the \ 
Windows console for interactive sessions, and sets the console code page for \ 
UTF-8 I/O during such sessions. The --utf8 option is a no-op on all other \ 
Add the ability for application-defined SQL functions to have the same name as \ 
Enhancements to PRAGMA integrity_check:
Detect and raise an error when a NaN value is stored in a NOT NULL column.
Improved error message output identifies the root page of a b-tree when an error \ 
is found within a b-tree.
Allow the session extension to be configured to capture changes from tables that \ 
lack an explicit ROWID.
Added the subsecond modifier to the date and time functions.
Negative values passed into sqlite3_sleep() are henceforth interpreted as 0.
The maximum recursion depth for JSON arrays and objects is lowered from 2000 to 1000.
Extended the built-in printf() function so the comma option now works with \ 
floating-point conversions in addition to integer conversions.
Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance optimizations

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