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CVS Commit History:

   2021-06-18 14:15:22 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
py-h5py: Fix numpy requirement in for pkgsrc-friendliness
   2021-06-07 13:57:50 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-h5py: updated to 3.2.1

What's new in h5py 3.2

New features

* Added support to use the HDF5 ROS3 driver to access HDF5 files on S3
  (:pr:`1755`). This is not enabled in the pre-built packages on PyPI. To use
  it, ensure HDF5 is built with read-only S3 support enabled, and then
  :ref:`build h5py from source <source_install>` using that HDF5 library.

Breaking changes & deprecations

* Python 3.7 is now the minimum supported version. It may still be possible to
  use this release with Python 3.6, but it isn't tested and wheels are not
  provided for Python 3.6.
* Setting the config option ``default_file_mode`` to values other than ``'r'``
  is deprecated. Pass the desired mode when opening a :class:`~.File` instead.

Exposing HDF5 functions

* ``H5Pset_fapl_ros3`` & ``H5Pget_fapl_ros3`` (where HDF5 is built with
  read-only S3 support).

Bug fixes

* :exc:`OSError` exceptions raised by h5py should now have a useful ``.errno``
  attribute, where HDF5 provides this information. Subclasses such as
  :exc:`FileNotFoundError` should also be raised where appropriate (:pr:`1815`).
* Fix reading data with a datatype of variable-length arrays of fixed length
  strings (:issue:`1817`).
* Fix :meth:`.Dataset.read_direct` and :meth:`.Dataset.write_direct` when the
  source and destination have different shapes (:pr:`1796`).
* Fix selecting data using integer indices in :meth:`.Dataset.read_direct`
  and :meth:`.Dataset.write_direct` (:pr:`1818`).
* Fix exception handling in :meth:`.Group.visititems` (:issue:`1740`).
* Issue a warning when ``File(..., swmr=True)`` is specified with any mode other
  than ``'r'``, as the SWMR option is ignored in these cases (:pr:`1812`).
* Fix NumPy 1.20 deprecation warnings concerning the use of None as shape, and
  the deprecated aliases np.float, and np.bool (:pr:`1780`).

3.2.1 bug fix release

* Fix :attr:`.File.driver` when the read-only S3 driver is available (:pr:`1844`).

What's new in h5py 3.1

Bug fixes

* Fix reading numeric data which is not in the native endianness,
  e.g. big-endian data on a little-endian system (:issue:`1729`).
* Fix using bytes as names for :meth:`.Group.create_dataset` and
  :meth:`.Group.create_virtual_dataset` (:issue:`1732`).
* Fix writing data as a list to a dataset with a sub-array data type

Building h5py

* Allow building against system lzf library by setting ``H5PY_SYSTEM_LZF=1``.
  See :ref:`custom_install`.


* If pytest is missing `pytest-mpi \ 
  it will now fail with a clear error.
* Fix a test which was failing on big-endian systems.

What's new in h5py 3.0

New features

* The interface for storing & reading strings has changed - see :doc:`/strings`.
  The new rules are hopefully more consistent, but may well require some changes
  in coding using h5py.
* Reading & writing data now releases the GIL, so another Python thread can
  continue while HDF5 accesses data. Where HDF5 can call back into Python, such
  as for data conversion, h5py re-acquires the GIL. However, HDF5 has its own
  global lock, so this won't speed up parallel data access using multithreading.
* Numpy datetime and timedelta arrays can now be stored and read as HDF5
  opaque data (:issue:`1339`), though other tools will not understand them.
  See :ref:`opaque_dtypes` for more information.
* New :meth:`.Dataset.iter_chunks` method, to iterate over chunks within the
  given selection.
* Compatibility with HDF5 1.12.
* Methods which accept a shape tuple, e.g. to create a dataset, now also allow
  an integer for a 1D shape (:pr:`1340`).
* Casting data to a specified type on reading (:meth:`.Dataset.astype`) can now
  be done without a with statement, like this::

      data = dset.astype(np.int32)[:]

* A new :meth:`.Dataset.fields` method lets you read only selected fields from
  a dataset with a compound datatype.
* Reading data has less overhead, as selection has been implemented in Cython.
  Making many small reads from the same dataset can be as much as 10 times
  faster, but there are many factors that can affect performance.
* A new NumPy-style :attr:`.Dataset.nbytes` attribute to get the size of the
  dataset's data in bytes.  This differs from the :attr:`~.Dataset.size`
  attribute, which gives the number of elements.
* The ``external`` argument of :meth:`.Group.create_dataset`, which
  specifies any external storage for the dataset, accepts more types
  (:issue:`1260`), as follows:

  * The top-level container may be any iterable, not only a list.
  * The names of external files may be not only ``str`` but also ``bytes`` or
    ``os.PathLike`` objects.
  * The offsets and sizes may be NumPy integers as well as Python integers.

  See also the deprecation related to the ``external`` argument.
* Support for setting file space strategy at file creation. Includes option to
  persist empty space tracking between sessions. See :class:`.File` for details.
* More efficient writing when assiging a scalar to a chunked dataset, when the
  number of elements to write is no more than the size of one chunk.
* Introduced support for the split :ref:`file driver <file_driver>`
* Allow making virtual datasets which can grow as the source data is resized
  - see :doc:`/vds`.
* New `allow_unknown_filter` option to :meth:`.Group.create_dataset`. This should
  only be used if you will compress the data before writing it with the
  low-level :meth:`~h5py.h5d.DatasetID.write_direct_chunk` method.
* The low-level chunk query API provides information about dataset chunks in an
  HDF5 file: :meth:`~h5py.h5d.DatasetID.get_num_chunks`,
  :meth:`~h5py.h5d.DatasetID.get_chunk_info` and
* The low-level :meth:`h5py.h5f.FileID.get_vfd_handle` method now works for any
  file driver that supports it, not only the sec2 driver.

Breaking changes & deprecations

* h5py now requires Python 3.6 or above; it is no longer compatible with Python
* The default mode for opening files is now 'r' (read-only).
  See :ref:`file_open` for other possible modes if you need to write to a file.
* In previous versions, creating a dataset from a list of bytes objects would
  choose a fixed length string datatype to fit the biggest item. It will now
  use a variable length string datatype. To store fixed length strings, use a
  suitable dtype from :func:`h5py.string_dtype`.
* Variable-length UTF-8 strings in datasets are now read as ``bytes`` objects
  instead of ``str`` by default, for consistency with other kinds of strings.
  See :doc:`/strings` for more details.
* When making a virtual dataset, a dtype must be specified in
  :class:`.VirtualLayout`. There is no longer a default dtype, as this was
  surprising in some cases.
* The ``external`` argument of :meth:`Group.create_dataset` no longer accepts
  the following forms (:issue:`1260`):

  * a list containing *name*, [*offset*, [*size*]];
  * a list containing *name1*, *name2*, …; and
  * a list containing tuples such as ``(name,)`` and ``(name, offset)`` that
    lack the offset or size.

  Furthermore, each *name*–*offset*–*size* triplet now must be a tuple rather
  than an arbitrary iterable.  See also the new feature related to the
  ``external`` argument.
* The MPI mode no longer supports mpi4py 1.x.
* The deprecated ``h5py.h5t.available_ftypes`` dictionary was removed.
* The deprecated ``Dataset.value`` property was removed.
  Use ``ds[()]`` to read all data from any dataset.
* The deprecated functions ``new_vlen``, ``new_enum``, ``get_vlen`` and
  ``get_enum`` have been removed. See :doc:`/special` for the newer APIs.
* Removed deprecated File.fid attribute. Use :attr:`` instead.
* Remove the deprecated ``h5py.highlevel`` module.
  The high-level API is available directly in the ``h5py`` module.
* The third argument of ```` is now an optional
  high-level :class:`.Dataset` object, rather than a ``DatasetID``.
  This is not really a public API - it has to be imported through the private
  ``_hl`` module - but probably some people are using it anyway.

Exposing HDF5 functions

* H5Dget_num_chunks
* H5Dget_chunk_info
* H5Dget_chunk_info_by_coord
* H5Oget_info1
* H5Oget_info_by_name1
* H5Oget_info_by_idx1
* H5Ovisit1
* H5Ovisit_by_name1
* H5Pset_attr_phase_change
* H5Pset_fapl_split
* H5Pget_file_space_strategy
* H5Pset_file_space_strategy
* H5Sencode1
* H5Tget_create_plist

Bug fixes

* Fix segmentation fault when accessing vlen of strings (:issue:`1336`).
* Fix the storage of non-contiguous arrays, such as numpy slices, as HDF5 vlen
  data (:issue:`1649`).
* Fix pathologically slow reading/writing in certain conditions with integer
  indexing (:issue:`492`).
* Fix bug when :meth:`.Group.copy` source is a high-level object and destination
  is a Group (:issue:`1005`).
* Fix reading data for region references pointing to an empty selection.
* Unregister converter functions at exit, preventing segfaults on exit in some
  situations with threads (:pr:`1440`).
* As HDF5 1.10.6 and later support UTF-8 paths on Windows, h5py built against
  HDF5 1.10.6 will use UTF-8 for file names, allowing all filenames.
* Fixed :meth:`h5py.h5d.DatasetID.get_storage_size` to report storage size of
  zero bytes without raising an exception (:issue:`1475`).
* Attribute Managers (``obj.attrs``) can now work on HDF5 stored
  datatypes (:issue:`1476`).
* Remove broken inherited ``ds.dims.values()`` and ``ds.dims.items()`` methods.
  The dimensions interface behaves as a sequence, not a mapping (:issue:`744`).
* Fix creating attribute with :class:`.Empty` by converting its dtype to a numpy
  dtype object.
* Fix getting :attr:`~.Dataset.maxshape` on empty/null datasets.
* The :attr:`.File.swmr_mode` property is always available (:issue:`1580`).
* The :attr:`.File.mode` property handles SWMR access modes in addition to plain
* Importing an MPI build of h5py no longer initialises MPI immediately,
  which will hopefully avoid various strange behaviours.
* Avoid launching a subprocess by using ``platform.machine()`` at import time.
  This could trigger a warning in MPI.
* Removed an equality comparison with an empty array, which will cause problems
  with future versions of numpy.
* Better error message if you try to use the mpio driver and h5py was not built
  with MPI support.
* Improved error messages when requesting chunked storage for an empty dataset.
* Data conversion functions should fail more gracefully if no memory is
* Fix some errors for internal functions that were raising "TypeError:
  expected bytes, str found" instead of the correct error.
* Use relative path for virtual data sources if the source dataset is in the
  same file as the virtual dataset.
* Generic exception types used in tests' assertRaise (exception types changed in
  new HDF5 version)
* Use ``dtype=object`` in tests with ragged arrays

Building h5py

* The `` configure`` command was removed. Configuration for the build
  can be specified with environment variables instead. See :ref:`custom_install`
  for details.
* It is now possible to specify separate include and library directories for
  HDF5 via environment variables. See :ref:`custom_install` for more details.
* The pkg-config name to use when looking up the HDF5 library can now be
  configured, this can assist with selecting the correct HDF5 library when using
  MPI. See :ref:`custom_install` for more details.
* Using bare ``char*`` instead of ``array.array`` in h5d.read_direct_chunk since
  ``array.array`` is a private CPython C-API interface
* Define ``NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API`` to silence a warning.
* Make the lzf filter build with HDF5 1.10 (:issue:`1219`).
* If HDF5 is not loaded, an additional message is displayed to check HDF5
* Rely much more on the C-interface provided by Cython to call Python and NumPy.
* Removed an old workaround which tried to run Cython in a subprocess if
  cythonize() didn't work. This shouldn't be necessary for any recent version
  of setuptools.
* Migrate all Cython code base to Cython3 syntax

    * The only noticeable change is in exception raising from cython which use bytes
    * Massively use local imports everywhere as expected from Python3
    * Explicitly mark several Cython functions as non-binding


* Unregistering converter functions on exit (:pr:`1440`) should allow profiling
  and code coverage tools to work on Cython code.
   2020-10-12 23:52:05 by Jason Bacon | Files touched by this commit (87)
Log message:
math/blas, math/lapack: Install interchangeable BLAS system

Install the new interchangeable BLAS system created by Thomas Orgis,
currently supporting Netlib BLAS/LAPACK, OpenBLAS, cblas, lapacke, and
Apple's Accelerate.framework.  This system allows the user to select any
BLAS implementation without modifying packages or using package options, by
setting PKGSRC_BLAS_TYPES in mk.conf. See mk/ for details.

This commit should not alter behavior of existing packages as the system
defaults to Netlib BLAS/LAPACK, which until now has been the only supported


Add new mk/ for inclusion in dependent packages
Install compatible Netlib math/blas and math/lapack packages
Update math/blas and math/lapack MAINTAINER approved by adam@
OpenBLAS, cblas, and lapacke will follow in separate commits
Update direct dependents to use mk/
Perform recursive revbump
   2020-01-26 18:32:28 by Roland Illig | Files touched by this commit (981)
Log message:
all: migrate homepages from http to https

pkglint -r --network --only "migrate"

As a side-effect of migrating the homepages, pkglint also fixed a few
indentations in unrelated lines. These and the new homepages have been
checked manually.
   2019-06-16 16:11:49 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-h5py: updated to 2.9.0

What's new in h5py 2.9

New features
* A convenient high-level API for creating virtual datasets, HDF5 objects which
  act as a view over one or more real datasets.
  See :ref:vds for details.
* :class:File can now be constructed with a Python file-like object,
  making it easy to create an HDF5 file in memory using :class:io.BytesIO
  See :ref:file_fileobj for details.
* :class:File now accepts parameters to control the chunk cache.
  See :ref:file_cache for details.
* New options to record the order of insertion for attributes and group entries.
  Iterating over these collections now follows insertion order if it was
  recorded, or name order if not.
* A new method :meth:Group.create_dataset_like to create a new dataset with
  similar properties to an existing one.
* Datasets can now be created with storage backed by external non-HDF5 files
* Lists or tuples of unicode strings can now be stored as HDF5 attributes
* Inspecting the view returned by .keys() now shows the key names, for
  convenient interactive use.

Exposing HDF5 functions
* H5LTopen_file_image as :func:h5py.h5f.open_file_image.
* External dataset storage functions H5Pset_external, H5Pget_external
  and H5Pget_external_count as methods on :class:h5py.h5p.PropDCID

* Fix reading/writing of float128 data.
* Converting data to float16 when creating a dataset.

Support for old Python
Support for Python 3.3 has been dropped.
Support for Python 2.6 has been dropped.
   2018-11-20 06:39:28 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-h5py: update to 2.8.0

 - allow registration of new drivers
 - add option to track object creation order

Bug fixes
 - allow slices with stop < start as empty
 - improve building with custom hdf5 installation
 - ensure libver defaults to LIBVER_EARLIEST
 - improve handling of float types
 - support non-ascii external paths on py2
 - avoid crashing IPython auto-completer

API changes
 - deprecate ``h5t.available_ftypes``.  This is no longer
   used internally and will be removed in the future.  There is
   no replacement public API.
 - Do not sort fields in compound types.  This is account for changes
   in numpy 1.14.
 - Minimum version of cython is now 0.23
   2017-11-16 23:36:04 by Min Sik Kim | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
devel/py-h5py: Update to 2.7.1

Notable changes since 2.5.0:
- Support for HDF5 Virtual Dataset API
- Add MPI Collective I/O Support
   2015-11-03 04:29:40 by Alistair G. Crooks | Files touched by this commit (1995)
Log message:
Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for devel category

Issues found with existing distfiles:
No changes made to these distinfo files.

Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden).  All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
   2015-09-23 14:11:47 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Update py-h5py to 2.5.0 to sync with the API changes in devel/hdf.
cython is now unconditional and the package is installed as egg.
   2014-10-05 18:27:25 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
pkglint cleanups.

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