Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/archivers/dar
From: David Sainty
Date: 2007-03-18 05:36:23
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to dar 2.3.3, and also fix PLIST for dar-int32 and dar-int64 Pkgsrc

Upgrading to 2.3.3 is strongly recommended if you use Dar to backup across
multiple filesystems:

Changelog entry from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3:

- avoid using getpwuid() and getgrgid() for static linking.
- fixed typo in dar's man page
- update FAQ
- fixed bug: uncaught exception thrown when CTRC-C was hit while dar waits an
  answer from the user [SF #1612205]
- fixed bug: unusable archive generated when CTRC-C was hit and blowfish
  encryption used [SF #1632273]
- added a check to verify that the libdar used is compatible with the current
  dar suite programs [SF #1587643]
- fixed bug: added workaround for the right arithmetic shift operator (the
  binary produced by gcc-3.4.2 produces computes "v>>s" equal to \ 
"v" when when
  v is a integer field composed of s exactly bits. It should rather compute it
  to zero...).
  this problem leads 32 bits generated archive incompatible with 64 bits
  generated archive only when blowfish is used.
- fixed bug met when the inode space is exhausted, thanks to "Jo - \ 
Ex-Bart" for
  this new feedback. [SF #1632738]
- replaced &, <, >, ' and " in XML listing by &...; \ 
corresponding sequence.
  [SF #1597403]
- dar_manager can receive arguments after stick to -o options (it is an error
  in regard to documentation, but no warning was issued in that case, leading
  to confusion for some users) [SF #1598138]
- updated Veysel Ozer's automatic_backup script
- fixed hard link detection problem [SF #1667400]
- verbose output did not displayed hard links information
- merged patch on dar_cp by Andrea Palazzi to have it to return EXIT_DATA_ERROR
  when some data have been reported [SF #1622913]
