Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/archivers/dar
From: Blair Sadewitz
Date: 2007-12-11 23:34:49
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to version 2.3.6:

    Changes within pkgsrc:

 	(*)	While here, add some logic to allow REPLACE_PERL and
		REPLACE_BASH to work without USE_TOOLS+="perl bash".
		Thus, the paths in share/dar/samples will now [usually]
		be correct.  Simplify options handling.

	(*)	Use PTHREAD_AUTO_VARS to ensure harmony with the
		rest of pkgsrc, add USE_FEATURES.openssl=threads
		when necessary.  Threads are enabled if a built-in
		thread library is used.

    Changes in source (since version 2.3.5):

	(*)	fixed: in src/dar_suite
		        (removed "/" after $(DESTDIR))

	(*) 	fixed:  bug in regex mask building when not using
		        ordered masks

	(*) 	fixed:  bug that led dar_manager to report no error while
	 	        some files failed to be restored due to command-line
		        for dar being too large.

	(*) 	fixed:  bug encountered when user aborts operation while
		        dar is finalizing archive creation [SF #1800507]

	(*)	fixed:  problem with execvp when dar_manager launches dar
