Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/p5-Catalyst-Manual
From: Ulrich Habel
Date: 2009-03-09 21:34:09
Message id:

Log Message:
- updated to 5.7018
5.7018  8 Mar 2009
        - Add a new section to BasicCRUD covering more advanced features of
        - Convert from Ubuntu to Debian 5 live CD as the recommended way to do
            the tutorial (all code and examples updated and tested to match)
        - Removed Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::ACL from Authorization.pod
            in favor of a "chained and model-based" approach
        - More conversion to Chained dispatch
        - Suggestions and fixes with thanks to
        - DBIC-related updates in MoreCatalystBasics
        - Fix misplaced "=over 4" in previous release
        - Reword warning about not using GET for delete based on input from kd
        - Lots of other small adjustments

5.7017  28 Feb 2009
        - Main change = adding Chained dispatch starting in BasicCRUD (Part 4)
        - Add some "getting started" links to the Catalyst::Manual page
        - Change FormFu tutorial to not use deprecated methods (Del Merritt)
        - MoreCatalystBasics - Additional clarification about TTSite
          (Del Merritt)
        - Tutorial::Authorization - Corrects the ACL for "/books/delete"
                                  - Additional comments
          (Del Merritt)
        - Tutorial::AdvancedCRUD::FormFu - suggest how the intrepid user
          might now proceed, having completed the Tutorial. (Del Merritt)
        - Fix typo in Authorization section (RT #42091)
        - Fix typo in BasicCRUD (RT #42034)
        - Resolve outstanding typo and suggestions in MoreCatalystBasics (RT #41491)
        - Fix DBIC create for MySQL in Appendix (Jarom)
        - Misc minor updates

5.7016  28 Dec 2008
        - Updates to make Parts 8 & 9 run correctly
        - Adjust URLs for final config tarballs
        - Add note about changes across different C::Devel on how plugins enabled
        - Misc minor updates

5.7015  15 Dec 2008
        - Remove TTSite from Tutorial (thanks to dhoss for the help)
        - Update Tutorial for Ubuntu 8.10 (therefore update to
          Cat v5.7014, C::Devel v1.07, DBIC v0.08010, etc.)
        - Reorganize MoreCatalystBasics.pod so user is able to run
          the app the first time much earlier and build on it from
          there (running the app each time along the way)
        - Update URL for latest copy in SVN to match new location of repo
        - Misc typo fix
        - Change use of Class::C3 to MRO::Compat, as rafl tells me
          this is best practice, and gives you native next::method in
          5.10. (t0m)
