Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Tree-DAG_Node
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2013-09-05 21:25:07
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 1.14:

1.14  Wed Sep  4 13:44:00 2013
	- Document the copy() method.
	- Patch the copy() method so it respects the {no_attribute_copy => 1} option.
	- Add method read_tree(), for text files. It uses Perl6::Slurp (which supports \ 
	- Add methods read_attributes() and string2hashref($s) for use by read_tree().
	- Add t/read.tree.t to test read_tree().
	- Add t/tree.utf8.attrbiutes.txt, in utf8, for use by t/read.tree.t.
	- Add t/tree.with.attributes.txt and t/tree.without.attributes.txt for use by \ 
	- Make Perl V 5.8.1 a pre-req so we have access to the utf8 pragma.

1.13  Mon Aug 12 17:16:00 2013
	- Change the values accepted for the no_attributes option from undef and 1 to 0 \ 
and 1.
		If undef is used, it becomes 0, so pre-existing code will not change behaviour.
		This makes it easier to pass 0 or 1 from the command line, since there is no \ 
default value available.
