Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-DependentModules
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2015-05-09 16:20:15
Message id:

Log Message:
Import p5-Test-DependentModules-0.20 as devel/p5-Test-DependentModules.

WARNING: The tests this module does should never be included as part of a
normal CPAN install!
  This module is intended as a tool for module authors who would like to
easily test that a module release will not break dependencies. This is
particularly useful for module authors (like myself) who have modules which
are a dependency of many other modules.  How It Works

  Internally, this module will download dependencies from CPAN and run their
tests. If those dependencies in turn have unsatisfied dependencies, they
are installed into a temporary directory. These second-level (and third-,
etc) dependencies are not tested.

  In order to avoid prompting, this module sets $ENV{PERL_AUTOINSTALL} to
--defaultdeps and sets $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} to a true value.
  Nonetheless, some ill-behaved modules will still wait for a
prompt. Unfortunately, because of the way this module attempts to keep
output to a minimum, you won't see these prompts. Patches are welcome.
Running Tests in Parallel
  If you're testing a lot of modules, you might benefit from running tests in
parallel. You'll need to have Parallel::ForkManager installed for this to

  Set the $ENV{PERL_TEST_DM_PROCESSES} env var to a value greater than 1 to
enable parallel testing.
