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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-mock
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2015-07-19 12:14:33
Message id:
Log Message:
Update to 1.2.0:
* Revert "Issue #21750: mock_open.read_data can now be read from each \
instance, as it"
* Add 2.6 back to classifiers
* Record sync point
* Issue #21750: mock_open.read_data can now be read from each instance, as it \
could in Python 3.3
* Issue #18622: unittest.mock.mock_open().reset_mock would recurse infinitely
* Folk should test 2.6 locally too
* Closes #279: setuptools.version is too new
* Support python 2.6
* Update sync point and sync docs
* Issue #23661: unittest.mock side_effects can now be exceptions again
* Abort installation if the installer is using setuptools<17.1