Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/gopls
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2021-11-01 10:54:59
Message id:

Log Message:
gopls: update to 0.7.3.

Exclude node_modules from the workspace by default

The directoryFilters setting now defaults to [-node_modules], since
these directories never include Go code. This only applies to
node_modules directories at the top level of the workspace, not
arbitrary depths.

Detailed hover for runes

You will now see more information about the rune when you hover
over it. For example:

Undeclared name suggested fix for functions

The undeclaredname analyzer now offers a suggested fix for undeclared
function. Depending on the surrounding code, the suggested fix will
either insert a new variable declaration (as before), or a new
function declaration with inferred parameters and a body that
panics. For example:

New analyzers for generic code (only with Go 1.18)

useany: Check for constraints that could be simplified to "any"

infertypeargs: Check for unnecessary type arguments in call

Explicit type arguments may be omitted from call expressions if
they can be inferred from function arguments, or from other type
