Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/py-pandas
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2021-12-12 21:30:49
Message id:

Log Message:
py-pandas: updated to 1.3.5

What's new in 1.3.5 (December 12, 2021)

Fixed regressions
- Fixed regression in :meth:`Series.equals` when comparing floats with dtype \ 
object to None (:issue:`44190`)
- Fixed regression in :func:`merge_asof` raising error when array was supplied \ 
as join key (:issue:`42844`)
- Fixed regression when resampling :class:`DataFrame` with \ 
:class:`DateTimeIndex` with empty groups and ``uint8``, ``uint16`` or ``uint32`` \ 
columns incorrectly raising ``RuntimeError`` (:issue:`43329`)
- Fixed regression in creating a :class:`DataFrame` from a timezone-aware \ 
:class:`Timestamp` scalar near a Daylight Savings Time transition \ 
- Fixed performance regression in :func:`read_csv` (:issue:`44106`)
- Fixed regression in :meth:`Series.duplicated` and \ 
:meth:`Series.drop_duplicates` when Series has :class:`Categorical` dtype with \ 
boolean categories (:issue:`44351`)
- Fixed regression in :meth:`.GroupBy.sum` with ``timedelta64[ns]`` dtype \ 
containing ``NaT`` failing to treat that value as NA (:issue:`42659`)
- Fixed regression in :meth:`.RollingGroupby.cov` and \ 
:meth:`.RollingGroupby.corr` when ``other`` had the same shape as each group \ 
would incorrectly return superfluous groups in the result (:issue:`42915`)
