Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/emulators/mame
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2022-04-02 15:15:50
Message id:

Log Message:
mame: update to 0.242.

Today is a bittersweet day. After a quarter of a century, we’ve
decided that it’s no longer in our best interests to distribute
MAME as Open Source/Free Software. Wait, that’s not the right
announcement… After many fruitful years, we’ve come to realise MAME
has achieved everything it can. The project is now in maintenance
mode, and there will be no new functionality or regular releases.
Hang on, that can’t be right, either! Happy April Fools’ day!

We have an interesting release today in several ways. Yes, the
rumours are true, after many years, we’ve added support for another
LaserDisc-based arcade system. It’s a system that only ran a single
game: Time Traveler, created by Rick Dyer at Virtual Image Productions,
starring Stephen Wilber, and published by Sega. This full-motion
video game consists of a near-constant stream of quick time events,
utilising a mixture of live action video and computer-generated
imagery. Although re-living the early ’90s corniness is pretty
awesome, this is a milestone because it’s the first LaserDisc arcade
game preserved using the Domesday86 Project toolchain. In short,
this involves the use of custom hardware to record the raw radio
frequency signal from a LaserDisc player’s laser pickup, and then
decoding it in software. This frees you from the limitations of
LaserDisc player demodulators and video capture devices. As well
as better, more consistent video quality, this opens up possibilities
like combining multiple captures to overcome disc degradation and
laser pickup dropout.

In another first for emulation, MAME 0.242 adds support for systems
based on Rockwell B5000 family microcontrollers. This includes
several electronic toys from Mattel, and calculators from Rockwell
themselves. You’ll also find the first working game based on a
Sharp SM530 microcontroller: the Star Fox game watch from Nelsonic.

There are plenty of software list updates this month, including
recently-released prototype dumps for Mega Drive, NES and Super
NES, all the latest Apple II dumps, and some more of the steady
stream of Commodore 64 cassettes. You’ll also see that a big batch
of Amiga software has been promoted to working – that’s because
the Amiga family has had an overhaul this month, and it’s paid off
with substantial improvements in compatibility.

There’s lots more going on, in fact this was a record month for
pull requests, with over a hundred and thirty merged, including
quite a few from first-time contributors, as well as some regulars.
It’s great to have you all with us! There are dozens of reported
bugs fixed, too, with a particular emphasis on fixing up DIP switch
