Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/gopls
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2022-05-28 11:12:02
Message id:

Log Message:
gopls: update to 0.8.4.

New Features

New analyzer for //go:embed comments

Gopls now includes an analyzer for go:embed comment directives. At
the moment, this analyzer checks that the "embed" import is present,
but more analyses are planned for the future. See golang/go#50262
for more information.

Improved hover for imports

Hovering over an imported path now gives you the full package doc.

Final support for Go 1.13

Per our support window, gopls v0.8.4 will be the final gopls release
to support being built with Go 1.13. See golang/go#52982 for details.

Bugfixes and Performance improvements

    Faster symbol indexing. Gopls builds a symbol index the first
    time symbol search is invoked. That indexing should be 3-4x
    faster with this release.

    Improved metadata invalidation (AKA fewer restarts). v0.8.4
    fixes a couple of bugs that lead to gopls getting confused
    about packages and needing to be restarted. We're aware of more
    bugs of this nature, but are working on eliminating the need
    to ever restart gopls.
