Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-railties70
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2022-09-10 14:47:47
Message id:

Log Message:
devel/ruby-railties70: update to 7.0.4

* config.allow_concurrency = false now use a Monitor instead of a Mutex

  This allows to enable config.active_support.executor_around_test_case even
  when config.allow_concurrency is disabled.

  Jean Boussier

* Skip Active Storage and Action Mailer if Active Job is skipped.

  Étienne Barrié

* Correctly check if frameworks are disabled when running app:update.

  Étienne Barrié and Paulo Barros

* Fixed config.active_support.cache_format_version never being applied.

  Rails 7.0 shipped with a new serializer for Rails.cache, but the
  associated config wasn't working properly.  Note that even after this fix,
  it can only be applied from the application.rb file.

  Alex Ghiculescu
