Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2022-01-15 17:23:47
Message id:

Log Message:
python310 py310-html-docs: updated to 3.10.2

Python 3.10.2 final

Core and Builtins

bpo-46347: Fix memory leak in PyEval_EvalCodeEx.
bpo-46289: ASDL declaration of FormattedValue has changed to reflect conversion \ 
field is not optional.
bpo-46237: Fix the line number of tokenizer errors inside f-strings. Patch by \ 
Pablo Galindo.
bpo-46006: Fix a regression when a type method like __init__() is modified in a \ 
subinterpreter. Fix a regression in _PyUnicode_EqualToASCIIId() and type \ 
update_slot(). Revert the change which made the Unicode dictionary of interned \ 
strings compatible with subinterpreters: the internal interned dictionary is \ 
shared again by all interpreters. Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-46085: Fix iterator cache mechanism of OrderedDict.
bpo-46110: Add a maximum recursion check to the PEG parser to avoid stack \ 
overflow. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-46054: Fix parser error when parsing non-utf8 characters in source files. \ 
Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-46042: Improve the location of the caret in SyntaxError exceptions emitted \ 
by the symbol table. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-46025: Fix a crash in the atexit module involving functions that unregister \ 
themselves before raising exceptions. Patch by Pablo Galindo.
bpo-46009: Restore behavior from 3.9 and earlier when sending non-None to newly \ 
started generator. In 3.9 this did not affect the state of the generator. In \ 
3.10.0 and 3.10.1 gen_func().send(0) is equivalent to \ 
gen_func().throw(TypeError(...) which exhausts the generator. In 3.10.2 onward, \ 
the behavior has been reverted to that of 3.9.
bpo-46000: Improve compatibility of the curses module with NetBSD curses.
bpo-46004: Fix the SyntaxError location for errors involving for loops with \ 
invalid targets. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-42918: Fix bug where the built-in compile() function did not always raise a \ 
SyntaxError when passed multiple statements in ‘single’ mode. Patch by \ 
Weipeng Hong.


bpo-40479: Fix hashlib usedforsecurity option to work correctly with OpenSSL \ 
3.0.0 in FIPS mode.
bpo-46070: Fix possible segfault when importing the asyncio module from \ 
different sub-interpreters in parallel. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
bpo-46278: Reflect context argument in AbstractEventLoop.call_*() methods. Loop \ 
implementations already support it.
bpo-46239: Improve error message when importing asyncio.windows_events on \ 
bpo-20369: concurrent.futures.wait() no longer blocks forever when given \ 
duplicate Futures. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
bpo-46105: Honor spec when generating requirement specs with urls and extras \ 
(importlib_metadata 4.8.3).
bpo-26952: argparse raises ValueError with clear message when trying to render \ 
usage for an empty mutually-exclusive group. Previously it raised a cryptic \ 
bpo-27718: Fix help for the signal module. Some functions (e.g. signal() and \ 
getsignal()) were omitted.
bpo-46032: The registry() method of functools.singledispatch() functions checks \ 
now the first argument or the first parameter annotation and raises a TypeError \ 
if it is not supported. Previously unsupported “types” were ignored (e.g. \ 
typing.List[int]) or caused an error at calling time (e.g. list[int]).
bpo-46018: Ensure that math.expm1() does not raise on underflow.
bpo-45755: typing generic aliases now reveal the class attributes of the \ 
original generic class when passed to dir(). This was the behavior up to Python \ 
3.6, but was changed in 3.7-3.9.
bpo-13236: unittest.TextTestResult and unittest.TextTestRunner flush now the \ 
output stream more often.
bpo-42378: Fixes the issue with log file being overwritten when \ 
logging.FileHandler is used in atexit with filemode set to 'w'. Note this will \ 
cause the message in atexit not being logged if the log stream is already closed \ 
due to shutdown of logging.


bpo-46120: State that | is preferred for readability over Union in the typing docs.
bpo-46040: Fix removal Python version for @asyncio.coroutine, the correct value \ 
is 3.11.
bpo-19737: Update the documentation for the globals() function.
bpo-45840: Improve cross-references in the documentation for the data model.


bpo-46205: Fix hang in runtest_mp due to race condition
bpo-46263: Fix test_capi on FreeBSD 14-dev: instruct jemalloc to not fill freed \ 
memory with junk byte.
bpo-46150: Now fakename in test_pathlib.PosixPathTest.test_expanduser is checked \ 
to be non-existent.
bpo-46129: Rewrite asyncio.locks tests with unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase usage.
bpo-46114: Fix test case for OpenSSL 3.0.1 version. OpenSSL 3.0 uses 0xMNN00PP0L.


bpo-46263: configure no longer sets MULTIARCH on FreeBSD platforms.
bpo-46106: Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1m in Windows builds, macOS installer builds, \ 
and CI. Patch by Kumar Aditya.


bpo-40477: The Python Launcher app for macOS now properly launches scripts and, \ 
if necessary, the Terminal app when running on recent macOS releases.


bpo-46236: Fix a bug in PyFunction_GetAnnotations() that caused it to return a \ 
tuple instead of a dict.
