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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/audio/py-music21
From: David H. Gutteridge
Date: 2022-10-07 05:54:06
Message id:
Log Message:
py-music21: update to 8.1.0
music21 v8
I'm proud to release v8 of music21, the toolkit for computer-aided music \
analysis, score manipulation, computational musicology, etc. This release \
(technically 8.1) builds on 12.5 months of work from v7, and like all new big \
number releases has a few backwards incompatible changes from before, in \
exchange for cool new features.
Version 8 supports Python 3.8+, if you need Python 3.7 (such as on Google Colab \
which is now 3+ Python versions behind) stick to music21 v7. V8 is the first to \
fully support Python 3.10 and will receive patches to support Python 3.11 in the \
future. As Python 3.11 is due to be released any day now, keeping with the m21 \
policy of supporting three versions of Python, music21 v9 (work starts \
tomorrow!) will support Python 3.9 and above only.
Big Changes
The biggest new improvement in v8 is an all new Dublin-Core / MARC based \
metadata system that allows for encoding a huge amount of information about a \
score. Look at the new docs for music21.metadata for more information. Thanks to \
Greg Chapman for the big amount of work on this. (@gregchapman-dev in #1266)
Modern installation system, based on Hatch. If you have problems, please let \
me know -- I expect some growing pains on this.
ArpeggioMark and ArpeggioMarkSpanner classes. by @gregchapman-dev in #1337
Adding DCML v2 parsing to by @malcolmsailor in #1267
Explicit Keywords on all music21 objects by @mscuthbert in #1377
Continued Major improvements in Typing across music21. by @mscuthbert and \
@jacobtylerwalls. If you are using a modern IDE, you will find the number of \
music21-related bugs you create will go down hugely.
Ever more docs and more relevant (and diverse examples)