Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/print/R-tinytex
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2022-12-31 13:24:57
Message id:

Log Message:
(print/R-tinytex) Updated 0.32 to 0.43

tinytex 0.43
  * Added the LaTeX package pdfcol to the TinyTeX bundle (#387).
  * Removed the internal use of xfun::isFALSE() (yihui/xfun#67).

tinytex 0.42
  * Querying CTAN might time out, which can cause failure in installing TinyTeX
    (thanks, Lillian Welsh,

  * When installing TinyTeX on macOS and the directory /usr/local/bin does not
    exist, users will be prompted to create it. Then if it is not writable,
    users will be prompted to make it writable via chown (a13ae48).

tinytex 0.41
  * TinyTeX no longer defines the TEXMFHOME variable (thanks, @vsheg, #377).

  * The internal function fc_cache() also runs on the TinyTeX root directory
    now (3d146ac).

tinytex 0.40
  * Added a bundle argument to tinytex::install_tinytex(), so that users can
    choose to install any TinyTeX bundle, e.g., TinyTeX-0 or TinyTeX-2.

tinytex 0.39

  * The tinytex and tinytex-releases repositories have been moved from @yihui's
    account to @rstudio, i.e., their addresses are
    tinytex/ and now.

  * The full TeX Live has been pre-built as the TinyTeX-2 bundle in the daily
    release of TinyTeX:
    tag/daily To know how to install it, please see

  * If tinytex::install_tinytex() detects an existing LaTeX distribution in the
    system, it will ask if you want to continue the installation in an
    interactive R session. If this function is called in a non-interactive R
    session (e.g., via the Rscript command), it will throw an error in this
    case, unless the argument force = TRUE is used. This is to prevent an
    accidental installation of TinyTeX (which occurred on CRAN recently).
    Another way to prevent the installation is to set the environment variable

  * On *nix, if the dir ~/.local/bin exists, it will be used as the bin path
    for TinyTeX, i.e., symlinks of TeX Live binaries will be created to this
    dir. If it does not exist, ~/bin/ will be used as usual (thanks, @salim-b,

tinytex 0.38
  * Fixed #354: set the env var TEXLIVE_PREFER_OWN=1 before calling tlmgr() to
    use TeX Live's own curl instead of curl on PATH (thanks, @netique).

  * Fixed latex3/luaotfload#213: detect the lua-uni-algos package in case of
    error module 'lua-uni-normalize' not found (thanks, @dragonstyle).

  * Added the help page ?tinytex (thanks, @AmeliaMN, #361).

  * Use set -e and curl -f to fail immediately in the *nix installation script
    (thanks, @gaborcsardi, #356).

tinytex 0.37
  * Fixed rstudio/bookdown#1274: latexmk() should run the LaTeX engine one more
    time before calling makeindex (thanks, @trevorcampbell @ttimbers).

tinytex 0.36
  * Fixed the failure to detect the hyphen-french package from the LaTeX log:

  * xfun::session_info('tinytex') can report the TeX Live (TinyTeX) version

  * Improved the way tinytex::tlmgr_repo() normalizes the repo URL (#346).

tinytex 0.35
  * install_tinytex() will automatically switch to using
    yihui/tinytex-releases/releases/tag/daily to install the daily version of
    TinyTeX if accessing fails (#332).

  * and install-bin-windows.bat now install TinyTeX from instead of* (#270).

  * Fixed #322: automatically install hyphen-* packages in case of polyglossia

  * Run tlmgr conf texmf max_print_line 10000 to prevent LaTeX from wrapping
    log lines (#322 (comment)). If you do not like this configuration, you may
    run tlmgr conf texmf --delete max_print_line to delete it.

tinytex 0.34
  * The --data argument in tl_sizes() is properly quoted now to make it work on
    Windows (thanks, @IndrajeetPatil #329, @cderv #330).
