Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-gdata
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2023-06-17 14:03:36
Message id:

Log Message:
(math/R-gdata) Updated 2.18.0 to 2.19.0, make test passed

Changes in 2.19.0 (2023-05-06)

New functions:

- Added to replace rows of a data frame.

New features:

- Added argument 'add.col.nums' to left() and right().

Other changes:

- Improved ll() so it handles S4 objects. Also accepts unit="GB" \ 
(contributed by
  Michael Chirico) and unit="B", now case-insensitive.

- Improved right() so it returns the rightmost columns of a matrix or data

- Renamed first two arguments of startsWith() to 'x' and 'prefix'.

- Removed elem() - was deprecated in gregmisc/gdata 2.0.3 (2005-02-25).

- Excel file support is now deprecated, to be removed in the near future. At the
  user level, the functions installXLSXsupport(), read.xls(), sheetCount(),
  sheetNames(), xls2csv(), xls2sep(), xls2tab(), xls2tsv(), and xlsFormats() now
  raise a warning about the functionality being deprecated. Excel file support
  was first introduced in gregmisc/gdata 1.11.0 back in 2004, but today we have
  packages such as openxlsx, readxl, XLConnect, and xlsx offering dedicated
  Excel file support with more features. When Excel file support will be removed
  from the gdata package, it will result in lighter package maintenance and no
  more Perl warnings on the user side.

- Package maintainer is Arni Magnusson.
