Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang/janet
From: Charlotte Koch
Date: 2023-06-21 08:37:06
Message id:

Log Message:
lang/janet: Update to 1.29.1

Changes from 1.28.0:

## 1.29.1 - 2023-06-19

- Add support for passing booleans to PEGs for "always" and \ 
- Allow dictionary types for `take` and `drop`
- Fix bug with closing channels while other fibers were waiting on them:
  `ev/take`, `ev/give`, and `ev/select`  will now return the correct
  (documented) value when another fiber closes the channel.
- Add `ffi/calling-conventions` to show all available calling conventions
  for FFI.
- Add `net/setsockopt`
- Add `signal` argument to `os/proc-kill` to send signals besides `SIGKILL`
  on Posix.
- Add `source` argument to `os/clock` to get different time sources.
- Various combinator functions now are variadic like `map`
- Add `file/lines` to iterate over lines in a file lazily.
- Reorganize test suite to be sorted by module rather than pseudo-randomly.
- Add `*task-id*`
- Add `env` argument to `fiber/new`.
- Add `JANET_NO_AMALG` flag to Makefile to properly incremental builds
- Optimize bytecode compiler to generate fewer instructions and improve
- Fix bug with `ev/gather` and hung fibers.
- Add `os/isatty`
- Add `has-key?` and `has-value?`
- Make imperative arithmetic macros variadic
- `ev/connect` now yields to the event loop instead of blocking while
  waiting for an ACK.
