Subject: CVS commit: wip/polipo
From: ISIHARA Takanori
Date: 2008-02-09 22:27:38
Message id:

Log Message:
Update polipo-1.0.3.

6 October 2007: Polipo 1.0.3

        Changed the default for chunkMemory: it is now 24 MB or
        one-quarter of physical memory, whichever is smaller.
        Support for logging to syslog (thanks to Nix).
        Made atom reference counts 32-bit longs; this should fix
        problems that people were seeing when running Polipo with
        humongous in-memory caches.
        Added Git, Jabber and CVS to default tunnelAllowedPorts.
        Fixed a bug that could cause URL matching to fail when using
        anchored regular expressions (thanks to phuel).

26 August 2007: Polipo 1.0.2:

        Fixed a crash that could happen with entities more than 2GB in
        size.  Such entities are still not supported, but Polipo
        should no longer crash.
        Minor HTTP compliance fixes, due to testing with Co-Advisor.
        Fixed a crash that would happen when a POST request was aborted
        by the server.  Reported by Tero Pelander.
        Worked around a DNS-related bug that I'm unable to track down,
        waiting for a proper fix.

25 June 2007: Polipo 1.0.1:

        Made Polipo slightly more aggressive when speaking to
        HTTP/1.0 servers (thanks to Fabian Keil for noticing that).
        Fixed a crash that would happen when a client used
        Cache-Control: only-if-cached, and the object was not in cache.
        (Reported by F. Zappa, A. Patala and V. Ghosal.)
        Fixed a descriptor leak when running under Windows.
        Made Polipo optionally drop connections after servicing
        a number of connections (maxConnectionAge and maxConnectionRequests).

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