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aamath ASCII art mathematics
abs Free spreadsheet with graphical user interface
admesh Program for processing triangulated solid meshes
algae Interpreted language for numerical analysis
antixls Print XLS file with minimal formatting, or as CSV
aribas Multi-precision floating point and big integer arithmetic calculator
bc Arbitrary precision calculator language
blas Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (Fortran)
blitz++ C++ template class library providing array objects
calc Advanced Calculator for GNU Emacs
calcoo Scientific calculator
capc-calc C arbitrary precision calculator
cln CLN Class Library for Numbers
dcdflib.c Library of C Routines for Cumulative Distribution Functions
dcdflib.f Library of Fortran Routines for Cumulative Distribution Functions
dfftpack Double precision version of FFTPACK
dieharder Random number generator test suite
djbfft Extremely fast library for floating-point convolution
eigen2 C++ template library for linear algebra
eispack Fortran routines for the solution of eigenvalue problems
ess Emacs Speaks Statistics
eukleides Euclidean geometry drawing language
euler Interactive numerical analysis and graphics program
extcalc Scientific graphic calculator
fftpack Single precision Fortran FFT subroutines
fftw Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs
fftw2 Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs
fftwf Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs
fgmp Minimalist free re-implementation of GNU multi-precision routines
fityk Peak fitting software
fricas FriCAS is a fork of the Axiom computer algebra system
galculator Desktop calculator with scientific / RPN modes
gap Computational group theory and discrete algebra language
gcalctool Desktop calculator for GNOME
geg Program for drawing 2D math functions within a nice GUI
genius Calculator and math tool
glpk Library for solving linear programming problems
gnumeric Spreadsheet program from the GNOME project (development version)
gnumeric110 Spreadsheet program from the GNOME project (development version)
gp-autpgrp GAP package for finding automorphism groups of finite p-groups
gp-factint Integer factorization routines for GAP
gp-fplsa GAP interface to FPLSA
gp-grape GRAPE (GRape Algorithms using PErmutation groups)
gp-grpconst GAP package for finding isomorphism classes of finite groups
gp-lag GAP Bracket Lie Algebra functions
grace GRaphing, Advanced Computation and Exploration of data
graphopt Optimize graph layouts
grpn Graphical reverse polish notation (RPN) calculator
gsl The GNU Scientific Library
gtklife The game of life
itpp Library of mathematical, signal processing and communication routines
kseg Interactive geometry program
lapack Linear Algebra PACKage
libffm Fast alpha-optimized replacement for some libm routines
libmatheval Library for evaluating mathematical expressions
linpack Library of linear algebra Fortran routines
ltm Number theoretic multiple-precision integer library
mapm Arbitrary Precision Math library
mathomatic Small portable symbolic math program
maxima Computer algebra system
mcsim Monte Carlo Simulation software
meschach Library of C Routines for Matrix Computations
metis Unstructured graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering system
mimetex (V) CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
minpack FORTRAN 77 library for the solution of nonlinear equations
mpfr GMP-based library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
mprime-bin Mersenne prime tester (binary)
mtl Matrix Template Library
muparser Parser for mathematical expressions
newmat Newmat C++ Matrix Library
nickle Desk calculator language
ntl C++ library for doing number theory
octave High-level language, intended for numerical computations
octave-forge Extensions to Octave
odepack Systematized Collection of ODE Solvers
openaxiom Platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations
openfst OpenFst is a library for manipulating transducers
ordCalc Ordinal arithmetic calculator and research tool
orpie Curses-based reverse polish notation (RPN) calculator
otter Automated Deduction System
p5-Excel-Template Perl module for templating Excel files
p5-Excel-Template-Plus An extension to the Excel::Template module
p5-Math-Base85 Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924
p5-Math-BaseCnv Fast functions to CoNVert between number Bases
p5-Math-Bezier Perl module for the solution of Bezier curves
p5-Math-BigInt-GMP Perl 5 module for arbitrary size integer math via the GMP library
p5-Math-BigInt-Pari Perl5 library to use Math::Pari for Math::BigInt routines
p5-Math-BigInteger Arbitrary length integer extension module for Perl
p5-Math-FFT Perl module to calculate Fast Fourier Transforms
p5-Math-GMP Perl 5 module for high speed arbitrary size integer math
p5-Math-Interpolate Perl module for interpolating data
p5-Math-MatrixReal Perl module for performing operations on real matrices
p5-Math-Pari Perl5 interface to the pari math library
p5-Math-Random Random number generators
p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
p5-Math-Round Perl extension for rounding numbers
p5-Math-VecStat Some basic numeric stats on vectors
p5-Number-Compare Compiles a simple comparison to an anonymous subroutine
p5-Number-Latin Perl module for lower/upper-latin numbering system
p5-Roman Conversion of numeric notation between Roman and Arabic