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CVS Commit History:

   2018-11-01 15:23:00 by Izumi Tsutsui | Files touched by this commit (27) | Package updated
Log message:
ruby-gnome2: update to 3.3.0.

Upstream changes (from NEWS):

== Ruby-GNOME2 3.3.0: 2018-10-31

This is a release for fixing memory leak bugs of cairo-gobject,
improving macOS support and adding support for GEGL.

=== Changes

==== Ruby/GLib2

  * Improvements

    * Added support for the same constant name and class name for error.

  * Fixes

    * Fixed wrong constant values:

      * (({GLib2::MINLONG}))

      * (({GLib2::MAXLONG}))

      * (({GLib2::MAXULONG}))

      * (({GLib2::MINUINT64}))

      * (({GLib2::MAXSIZE}))

      * (({GLib2::MINFLOAT}))

      * (({GLib2::MINDOUBLE}))

      [GitHub#1244][Reported by cobodo]

==== Ruby/CairoGObject

  * Fixes

    * Fixed a memory leak.
      [GitHub#1232][Reported by Jean-Christophe Le Lann]

    * Stopped to increase needless reference.
      [GitHub#1079][Reported by noanoa07]

==== Ruby/GObjectIntrospection

  * Improvements

    * Added support for transfer full output parameter.

  * Fixes

    * Fixed a bug that class method closure doesn't work.
      [GitHub#1245][Reported by kojix2]

==== Ruby/GdkPixbuf2

  * Improvements

    * (({})): Added support for auto row stride
      detection for (({[Integer]})) data.

==== Ruby/Pango

  * Improvements

    * Made test more robust.
      [GitHub#1239][Reported by Michael Hudson-Doyle]

==== Ruby/GTK3

  * Improvements

    * Improved backward compatibility for (({Gtk::ListStore#set_column_types})).
      [GitHub#1240][Reported by Edward Hennessy]

  * Fixes

    * Fixed wrong size used bug on HiDPI.
      [GitHub#1079][Reported by noanoa07]

==== Ruby/Poppler

  * Improvements

    * Added support for Popper 0.70.0.

==== Ruby/GEGL

  * Improvements

    * Added.

=== Thanks

  * Jean-Christophe Le Lann

  * Michael Hudson-Doyle

  * Edward Hennessy

  * cobodo

  * kojix2

  * noanoa07
   2018-08-08 14:16:02 by Izumi Tsutsui | Files touched by this commit (29) | Package updated
Log message:
ruby-gnome2: update to 3.2.9.

Upstream changes (from NEWS):

== Ruby-GNOME2 3.2.9: 2018-08-08

This is a packaging bug fix release of 3.2.8.

=== Changes

==== All

  * Fixes

    * Fixed wrong gem content.
      [GitHub#1236][Reported by Izumi Tsutsui]

==== Ruby/GtkSourceView4

  * Improvements

    * Added.

=== Thanks

  * Izumi Tsutsui

== Ruby-GNOME2 3.2.8: 2018-08-06

This is an installation improvement release of 3.2.7.

=== Changes

==== All

  * Improvements

    * Added support for static gemspec.
      [Patch by cedlemo]

    * Added support for msys2_mingw_dependencies.

==== Ruby/GLib2

  * Improvements

    * test: Removed a needless assertion.
      [GitHub#1235][Patch by Iain Lane]

==== Ruby/GObjectIntrospection

  * Improvements

    * Improved setter method detection.
      [GitHub#1233][Patch by yosuke shiro]

  * Fixes

    * Fixed a memory leak for callback method.
      [GitHub#1230][GitHub#1231][Reported by Izumi Tsutsui]

==== Ruby/GTK3

  * Fixes

    * demo: Fix a crash bug.
      [GitHub#1193][Reported by kojix2]

=== Thanks

  * cedlemo

  * kojix2

  * Izumi Tsutsui

  * yosuke shiro

  * Iain Lane
   2018-06-09 05:36:09 by Izumi Tsutsui | Files touched by this commit (54) | Package updated
Log message:
ruby-gnome2: update to 3.2.7.

pkgsrc changes:

* remove a fix for glib2 pulled from upstream
* remove a gobject-introspection patch for netbsd-6 (seems fixed in upstream)

Upstream changes (from NEWS):

== Ruby-GNOME2 3.2.7: 2018-06-07

This is a packaging bug fix release of 3.2.6.

=== Changes

==== All

  * Improvements

    * Added support for using unreleased version with Bundler.
      [Patch by cedlemo]

  * Fixes

    * Fixed a packaging bug that dependencies are missing.

== Ruby-GNOME2 3.2.6: 2018-06-06

This is a bug fix release of 3.2.5.

=== Changes

==== Document

  * Improvements

    * Updated project URL.
      [GitHub#1174][Patch by okkez]

==== All

  * Improvements

    * Added support for using unreleased version with Bundler.
      [Patch by cedlemo]

    * Windows: Upgraded bundled library versions.

==== Ruby/GLib2

  * Improvements

    * (({GLib::Object.define_signal})): Added.
      (({GLib::Object.signal_new})) is deprecated.

    * (({GLib::Object.signal_new})): Changed to accept (({Symbol})) as

    * (({GLib::Signal})): Migrated to (({TypedData})).

    * (({GLib::Enum})): Migrated to (({TypedData})).

    * (({GLib::Flags})): Migrated to (({TypedData})).

    * (({GLib::Boxed})): Migrated to (({TypedData})).

    * (({GLib::Param})): Migrated to (({TypedData})).

    * (({rbgobj_signal_new()})): Added.
      (({rbgobj_signal_wrap()})) is deprecated.

    * Dropped GLib < 2.28 support.

    * (({})): Changed to accept (({String})) as
      variant type.

    * (({rbg_variant_type_from_ruby()})): Added.

    * (({rbg_gc_guard()})): Added.

    * (({rbg_gc_unguard()})): Added.

  * Fixes

    * Fixed a bug that signal created by (({GLib::Object.signal_new}))
      may be GC-ed.
      [GitHub#1166][Reported by Izumi Tsutsui]

==== Ruby/GObjectIntrospection

  * Improvements

    * (({GObjectIntrospection::Struct})): Migrated to (({TypedData})).

    * Improved better function detection.

    * Added heuristic callback data detection.

    * Added support for getting flags field value.

    * (({RBGICallbackData})): Hidden details.

    * (({rb_gi_callback_data_get_metadata()})): Added.

    * (({rb_gi_callback_data_get_rb_callback()})): Added.

    * Added (({to_integer})) to (({to_i})) mapping.
      [GitHub#1191][Patch by yosuke shiro]

==== Ruby/CairoGObject

  * Improvements

    * Added (({gtype})) class methods.

==== Ruby/GIO2

  * Improvements

    * (({Gio::MenuItem#set_attribute_value})): Improved argument conversion.
      Callers don't need to create (({GLib::Variant})).

    * (({})): Added support for keyword (({Hash})).
      [GitHub#1187][Patch by cedlemo]

==== Ruby/Pango

  * Improvements

    * (({Pango::Attribute})): Migrated to (({GLib::Boxed})).

    * (({Pango::Rectangle#dup})): Added.

    * (({rbpango_attribute_from_ruby()})): Added.

  * Fixes

    * Fixed a bug that wrong (({Pango::Attribute})) conversion.
      [GitHub#1188][Reported by kojix2]

==== Ruby/GdkPixbuf2

  * Improvements

    * (({GdkPixbuf::Pixbuf#subpixbuf})): Added.
      (({GdkPixbuf::Pixbuf#new_subpixbuf})) is deprecated.

    * (({GdkPixbuf::Pixbuf#new})): Improved the default
      (({row_stride})) value.

==== Ruby/GDK3

  * Improvements

    * (({})): Added multiple calls with the same value.
      [GitHub#1195][Reported by kojix2]

==== Ruby/GTK3

  * Improvements

    * Removed needless custom callback handlers.

    * Dropped GTK+ 3.10 support.

    * (({})): Changed to all arguments are omittable.

    * (({Gtk::TextBuffer#insert})): Changed to raise an exception for
      unknown tag.

  * Fixes

    * Fixed a bug that (({Gtk::Version.or_later?})) requires the 3rd

    * Fixed demo.
      * [GitHub#1175][GitHub#1176][GitHub#1177][GitHub#1178][GitHub#1183]
        [Reported by kojix2]
      * [GitHub#1181][GitHub#1186][GitHub#1197][GitHub#1210]
        [Patch by kojix2]

==== Ruby/Poppler

  * Improvements

    * (({Cairo::Context#show_poppler_page})): Added for consistency.

==== Ruby/RSVG2

  * Improvements

    * (({Cairo::Context#show_rsvg_handle})): Added for consistency.

==== Ruby/GStreamer

  * Improvements

    * (({Gst::Element.[]})): Added as a shortcut of

    * (({Gst::Bus#poll})): Made all arguments omittable.

=== Thanks

  * Izumi Tsutsui

  * okkez

  * kojix2

  * cedlemo

  * yosuke shiro
   2018-05-03 14:04:04 by Izumi Tsutsui | Files touched by this commit (53) | Package updated
Log message:
ruby-gnome2: update to 3.2.5.

Upstream changes (from NEWS):

== Ruby-GNOME2 3.2.5: 2018-05-02

This is a bug fix release of 3.2.4.

=== Changes

==== Document

  * Fixes

    * Fixed typos.
      [GitHub#1158][Patch by kojix2]
      [GitHub#1160][Patch by kojix2]

==== Ruby/GLib2

  * Fixes

    * Fixed a GC related crash bug.
      [GitHub#1162][Reported by Izumi Tsutsui]

==== Ruby/GObjectIntrospection

  * Improvements

    * Disabled NULL check for GObject Introspection < 1.42. Because
      GObject Introspection < 1.42 doesn't support "(nullable)"
      annotation yet.

==== Ruby/GdkPixbuf2

  * Improvements

    * (({GdkPixbuf::Pixbuf#composite})): Suppressed wrong warning.
      [GitHub#1156][Reported by Chaistrin]
      [GitHub#1157][Patch by cedlemo]

  * Fixes

    * Added a missing white space into message.
      [GitHub#1155][Reported by Robert A. Heiler]

    * (({GdkPixbuf::Pixbuf#composite})): Fixed a bug that width and
      height are ignored.
      [Patch by cedlemo]

==== Ruby/GTK3

  * Improvements

    * (({Gtk::TextBuffer#initialize})): Accepted "property-name" form.
      [GitHub#1161][Reported by kojix2]

==== Ruby/Poppler

  * Improvements

    * Added a workaround for poppler-glib 0.63 bug.
      [GitHub#1159][Reported by HIGUCHI Daisuke]

=== Thanks

  * Robert A. Heiler

  * Chaistrin

  * cedlemo

  * kojix2

  * Izumi Tsutsui

  * HIGUCHI Daisuke
   2018-04-16 16:35:28 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1284)
Log message:
Recursive bump for new fribidi dependency in pango.
   2018-04-13 18:31:11 by Izumi Tsutsui | Files touched by this commit (40) | Package updated
Log message:
ruby-gnome2: update to 3.2.4.

Upstream changes (from NEWS):

== Ruby-GNOME2 3.2.4: 2018-04-09

This is a bug fix release of 3.2.3.

=== Changes

==== Ruby/GLib2

  * Fixes

    * Fixed a bug that some constants aren't defined. If a content
      name is the same constant name at the top level such as
      (({Gtk::Object})), the constant isn't defined.

      [Reported by Akira Ouchi][Forwarded by HIGUCHI Daisuke]

==== RubyRsvg2

  * Improvements

    * Windows: Upgraded bundled librsvg to 2.42.3.

=== Thanks

  * Akira Ouchi

  * HIGUCHI Daisuke

== Ruby-GNOME2 3.2.3: 2018-04-03

This is a bug fix release of 3.2.2.

=== Changes

==== Ruby/GObjectIntrospection

  * Fixes

    * Fixed a crash bug when (({GLib::Bytes})) is passed as an argument.

== Ruby-GNOME2 3.2.2: 2018-04-02

This is a release to support Ruby 2.5 on Windows.

=== Changes

==== All

  * Windows: Added Ruby 2.5 support.
    [GitHub#1148][Reported by Andy Meneely]

  * Red Hat: Use (({pkgconfig(name)})) style.
    [GitHub#1117][Patch by Mamoru TASAKA]

==== Ruby/GLib2

  * Improvements

    * (({GLib::Bytes#to_s})): Changed to return a frozen string to
      reduce data copy.

    * Migrated to (({TypedData})) from (({Data})).

==== Ruby/GObjectIntrospection

  * Improvements

    * Added (({nil})) argument check.

    * (({GObjectIntrospection::Loader#rubyish_method_name})):
      Added (({:n_in_args_offset})) option.

    * Suppressed a needless copy of (({GLib::Bytes})).

    * Added filename array support.
      [GitHub#1151][Patch by cedlemo]

  * Fixes

    * Fixed a overflow bug on 32bit.
      [Debian#766020][Reported by Mario Lang]
      [GitHub#1137][Forwarded by HIGUCHI Daisuke]

==== Ruby/GTK2

  * Fixes

    * Fix the wrong number of arguments.
      [GitHub#1133][Reported by Mamoru TASAKA]

==== Ruby/GDK3

  * Improvements

    * Ensured loading GDK 3.
      [GitHub#1126][Patch by cedlemo]

  * Fixes

    * (({Gdk::Screen.default})): Fixed a GC related crash.

    * (({Gtk::Widget#style_context})): Fixed a GC related crash.
      [GitHub#1149][Reported by Valentin Pelloin]

==== Ruby/GTK3

  * Improvements

    * Added a tool palette demo.
      [GitHub#1116][Patch by cedlemo]

    * Added a shortcut demo.
      [GitHub#1120][Patch by cedlemo]

    * Updated demo.
      [Reported by Titouan Teyssier]
      [GitHub#1139][Patch by Titouan Teyssier]

    * Updated README.
      [GitHub#1127][Patch by cedlemo]

  * Fixes

    * (({Gtk::Container#add_child(child)})): Made workable again.

==== Ruby/Poppler

  * Fixes

    * (({Poppler::Page#thumbnail_size})): Fixed return value.
      [GitHub:rcairo/rcairo#51][Reported by Mamoru TASAKA]

==== Ruby/Gnumeric

  * Improvements

    * Improved .typelib for Gnumeric detection.
      [GitHub#1118][Reported by cedlemo]

=== Thanks

  * cedlemo

  * Mamoru TASAKA

  * Titouan Teyssier

  * Mario Lang

  * HIGUCHI Daisuke

  * Andy Meneely

  * Valentin Pelloin
   2018-03-12 12:18:01 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2155)
Log message:
Recursive bumps for fontconfig and libzip dependency changes.
   2017-11-23 18:20:22 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (556)
Log message:
recursive bump for libxkbcommon removal from at-spi2-core
   2017-11-22 18:05:54 by Izumi Tsutsui | Files touched by this commit (24) | Package updated
Log message:
ruby-gnome2: update to 3.2.1.

Upstream changes (from NEWS):

== Ruby-GNOME2 3.2.1: 2017-11-19

This is a memory related bug fix release.

=== Changes

==== Ruby/GLib2

  * Improvements

    * (({GLib::Bytes#initialize})): Stopped to copy data for frozen

==== Ruby/GObjectIntrospection

  * Fixes

    * Fixed memory leaks for output parameters.
      [GitHub#1113][Reported by Will Bryant]

==== Ruby/GIO2

  * Improvements

    * (({Gio::InputStream#read_all})): Made workable.
      [GitHub#1110][Reported by Paul van Tilburg]

    * (({Gio::InputStream#read})): If the given size is (({nil})),
      read until EOF or error. It's compatible with Ruby's IO objects.

==== Ruby/GTK3

  * Improvements

    * Marked top-level windows automatically.
      [GitHub#1103][Reported by cedlemo]

=== Thanks

  * Paul van Tilburg

  * cedlemo

  * Will Bryant
   2017-11-19 11:38:40 by Izumi Tsutsui | Files touched by this commit (26) | Package updated
Log message:
ruby-gnome2: update to 3.2.0.

Upstream changes (from NEWS):

== Ruby-GNOME2 3.2.0: 2017-11-07

This is a bug fix release for Ruby/Poppler.

=== Changes

==== Ruby/GLib

  * Improvements

    * (({GLib::IOChannel#create_watch})): Supported.
      [GitHub#1106][Reported by kspt-johs]

    * (({GLib::IOChannel#create_watch})): Supported.

==== Ruby/GTK3

  * Improvements

    * Added a sample.
      [GitHub#1109][Patch by cedlemo]

==== Ruby/Poppler

  * Improvements

    * (({Poppler#Document#size})): Added again.

    * (({Poppler#Document#pages})): Added again.

  * Fixes

    * Updated dependencies.
      [GitHub#1107][Reported by OBATA Akio]

    * (({Poppler#Document#initialize(:data => data)})): Added
      workaround. It should be fixed in upstream.

=== Thanks

  * kspt-johs

  * OBATA Akio

  * cedlemo

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