Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/protobuf
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2019-05-29 16:48:12
Message id:

Log Message:
protobuf: updated to 3.8.0

Protocol Buffers v3.8.0
Use std::atomic in case of myriad2 platform
Always declare enums to be int-sized
Added DebugString() and ShortDebugString() methods on MessageLite
Specialized different parse loop control flows
Make hasbits potentially in register. The or's start forming an obstacle because \ 
it's a read modify store on the same mem address on each iteration.
Move to an internal MACRO for parser validity checks.
Improve map parsing performance.
Make MergePartialFromCodedStream non virtual. This allows direct calls, \ 
potential inlining and is also a code health improvement
Add an overall limit to parse_context to prevent reading past it. This allows to \ 
remove a annoying level of indirection.
Fix a mistake, we shouldn't verify map key/value strings for utf8 in opt mode \ 
for proto2.
Further improvements to cut binary size.
Prepare to make MergePartialFromCodedStream non-virtual.
A report on some interesting behavior change in python (caused by b/27494216) \ 
made me realize there is a check that needs to be done in case the parse ended \ 
on a end group tag.
Add a note of caution to the comments around skip in CodedOutputStream.
Simplify end check.
Add overload for ParseMessage for MessageLite/Message types. If the explicit \ 
type is not known inlining won't help de-virtualizing the virtual call.
Reduce linker input. It turns out that ParseMessage is not inlined, producing \ 
template instantiations that are used only once and save nothing but cost more.
Improve the parser.
[c++17] Changed proto2::RepeatedPtrField iterators to no longer derive from the \ 
deprecated std::iterator class.
Change the default value of case_insensitive_enum_parsing to false for \ 
Add a warning if a field name doesn't match the style guide.
Fix TextFormat not round-trip correctly when float value is max float.
Added locationed info for some errors at compiler
Python reserved keywords are now working with getattr()/setattr() for most \ 
Added AllowUnknownField() in text_format
Append '_' to C++ reserved keywords for message, enum, extension
Fix MSVC warning C4244 in protobuf's parse_context.h.
Updating Iterators to be compatible with C++17 in MSVC.
Use capability annotation in mutex.h
Fix "UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: cfi-bad-type"
CriticalSectionLock class as a lightweight replacement for std::mutex on Windows \ 
Removed vestigial wire_format_lite_inl.h
