./wip/nanoQC, Create fastQC-like plots for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data

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Branch: CURRENT, Version:, Package name: nanoQC-, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Quality control tools for long read sequencing data aiming to
replicate some of the plots made by fastQC. This is an immature tool
and I welcome all contributions.

Creates dynamic plots using bokeh. For an example see

nanoQC [-h] [-v] [-o OUTDIR] fastq

positional arguments:
fastq Reads data in fastq.gz format.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Print version and exit.
-o, --outdir OUTDIR Specify directory in which output has to be created.
-l, --minlen int Minimum length of reads to be included in the plots
This also controls the length plotted in the graphs
from the beginning and end of reads
(length plotted = minlen / 2)

If you use this tool, please consider citing our publication:

Master sites:

Version history: (Expand)