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The following packages where found to depend on x11/gtkmmPrevious - Results
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- devel/libview, Required to run
- devel/libglademm, Required to run
- devel/libsexymm, Required to run
- devel/libgnomemm, Required to run
- devel/gconfmm, Required to run
- graphics/goocanvasmm, Required to run
- graphics/inkscape, Required to run
- graphics/gimmage, Required to run
- graphics/libgnomecanvasmm, Required to run
- sysutils/gcdmaster, Required to run
- sysutils/gnome-system-monitor, Required to run
- multimedia/subtitleeditor, Required to run
- misc/gelemental, Required to run
- x11/gtkmm-utils, Required to run
- meta-pkgs/c++-gnome-bindings, Required to run
- editors/gobby, Required to run
- editors/mlview, Required to run
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