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The following packages where found to depend on converters/p5-MIME-Base64Previous - Results
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- devel/bugzilla, Required to run
- security/p5-Net-SSH, Required to run
- www/p5-LWP-Authen-Negotiate, Required to run
- www/p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA-Mailhide, Required to run
- www/wApua, Required to run
- www/p5-URI, Required to run
- www/p5-LWP-Authen-Wsse, Required to run
- www/p5-libwww, Required to run
- mail/mimedefang, Required to run
- mail/demime, Required to run
- mail/sympa, Required to run
- mail/p5-MIME-Lite, Required to run
- mail/spamassassin, Required to run
- textproc/p5-XML-Stream, Required to run
- textproc/p5-XML-Atom, Required to run
- textproc/p5-Text-SpellChecker, Required to run
- textproc/p5-Text-vCard, Required to run
- textproc/p5-Convert-ASCII-Armour, Required to run
- textproc/p5-Convert-PEM, Required to run
- time/p5-Data-ICal, Required to run
- databases/p5-perl-ldap, Required to run
- converters/p5-Jcode, Required to run
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