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The following packages where found to depend on net/ORBit2Previous - Results
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- net/py-ORBit, Required to run
- devel/GConf, Required to run
- devel/libbonobo, Required to run
- devel/guile-gnome, Required to run
- devel/at-spi, Required to run
- x11/gnome-control-center, Required to run
- x11/gnome-mag, Required to run
- x11/gnome-panel, Required to run
- textproc/gnome-spell, Required to run
- mail/evolution-data-server, Required to run
- mail/balsa, Required to run
- mail/evolution-exchange, Required to run
- mail/evolution, Required to run
- misc/yelp, Required to run
- misc/gok, Required to run
- meta-pkgs/gnome-platform, Required to run
- math/gnumeric, Required to run
- multimedia/gnome-media, Required to run
- editors/dasher, Required to run
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