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The following packages where found to depend on x11/XrenderPrevious - Results
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Next- x11/xlogo, Required to run
- x11/xcursor, Required to run
- x11/libXcursor, Required to run
- x11/xcompmgr, Required to run
- x11/mate-session-manager, Required to run
- x11/xeyes, Required to run
- x11/gtk3, Required to run
- devel/eio, Required to run
- devel/ecore, Required to run
- devel/pango, Required to run
- graphics/cairo, Required to run
- graphics/gthumb, Required to run
- wm/metacity, Required to run
- wm/fluxbox, Required to run
- wm/marco, Required to run
- wm/compiz, Required to run
- wm/enlightenment, Required to run
- sysutils/mate-power-manager, Required to run
- sysutils/caja, Required to run
- sysutils/open-vm-tools, Required to run
- misc/openoffice3, Required to run
- misc/libreoffice4, Required to run
- misc/libreoffice, Required to run
- misc/libreoffice43, Required to run
- misc/fbreader, Required to run
- lang/openjdk7, Required to run
- lang/openjdk8, Required to run
- fonts/Xft2, Required to run
- editors/emacs-snapshot, Required to run
- meta-pkgs/modular-xorg-libs, Required to run
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