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The following packages where found to depend on x11/renderprotoPrevious - Results
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Next- x11/qt5-qtxmlpatterns, Required to build
- x11/kde4-l10n-lt, Required to build
- x11/eekboard, Required to build
- x11/gtk2-engines-murrine, Required to build
- x11/tktable, Required to build
- x11/kde3-i18n-ko, Required to build
- x11/xf86-video-apm, Required to build
- x11/filerunner, Required to build
- net/tigervnc, Required to build
- print/cups-filters, Required to build
- chat/xchat-systray-integration, Required to build
- chat/empathy, Required to build
- chat/telepathy-farsight, Required to build
- chat/ktp-text-ui, Required to build
- chat/licq-gui-qt, Required to build
- chat/ktp-desktop-applets, Required to build
- chat/quirc, Required to build
- chat/ktp-send-file, Required to build
- chat/ktp-auth-handler, Required to build
- chat/pidgin-libnotify, Required to build
- chat/ktp-kded-integration-module, Required to build
- chat/swift, Required to build
- chat/telepathy-mission-control, Required to build
- chat/pidgin-otr, Required to build
- chat/ktp-accounts-kcm, Required to build
- chat/ktp-contact-runner, Required to build
- chat/gajim, Required to build
- chat/hexchat, Required to build
- chat/gossip, Required to build
- chat/psi, Required to build
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