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The following packages where found to depend on graphics/giflibPrevious - Results
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Next- graphics/mgl, Required to run
- graphics/osg, Required to run
- graphics/py-gdmodule, Required to run
- graphics/simage, Required to run
- graphics/leptonica, Required to run
- graphics/magicpoint, Required to run
- graphics/libwebp, Required to run
- graphics/sxiv, Required to run
- multimedia/gnash, Required to run
- multimedia/ming, Required to run
- multimedia/py-ming, Required to run
- multimedia/kodi, Required to run
- multimedia/gmplayer, Required to run
- multimedia/ruby-ming, Required to run
- multimedia/mencoder, Required to run
- multimedia/mplayer, Required to run
- devel/devIL, Required to run
- meta-pkgs/bulk-small, Required to build
- x11/gnustep-gui, Required to run
- x11/kdelibs4, Required to run
- x11/wdm, Required to run
- x11/xplanet, Required to run
- www/khtml, Required to run
- net/driftnet, Required to run
- print/advi, Required to run
- print/img2eps, Required to run
- mail/spamprobe, Required to run
- emulators/wine-devel, Required to run
- emulators/vice, Required to run
- emulators/wine, Required to run
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