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The following packages where found to depend on devel/py-setuptoolsPrevious - Results
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Next- math/py-abcpmc, Required to run
- math/py-numpy, Required to run
- math/py-simpleeval, Required to run
- math/py-noise, Required to run
- math/py-sympy, Required to run
- math/py-lmfit, Required to run
- math/py-patsy, Required to run
- math/py-infinity, Required to run
- math/py-pandas, Required to run
- math/py-rpy, Required to run
- math/py-intervals, Required to run
- math/py-statsmodels, Required to run
- math/py-almost, Required to run
- math/py-networkx, Required to run
- math/py-autograd, Required to run
- editors/nts, Required to run
- converters/py-chardet, Required to run
- converters/py-zbase32, Required to run
- converters/py-simplejson, Required to run
- converters/py-zfec, Required to run
- geography/py-geojson, Required to run
- geography/py-google-maps-services-python, Required to run
- geography/py-trytond-google-maps, Required to run
- geography/py-trytond-country, Required to run
- geography/py-pycountry, Required to run
- geography/py-obspy, Required to run
- cad/py-gds, Required to run
- games/py-ranking, Required to run
- games/py-trueskill, Required to run
- games/py-easyAI, Required to run
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