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The following packages where found to depend on graphics/jpegPrevious - Results
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Next- www/seamonkey, Required to run
- www/firefox45, Required to run
- www/swiggle, Required to run
- www/firefox52, Required to run
- www/webkit24-gtk3, Required to run
- www/dillo, Required to run
- devel/libgphoto2, Required to run
- graphics/gdk-pixbuf, Required to run
- graphics/libpano13, Required to run
- graphics/gthumb3, Required to run
- graphics/f-spot, Required to run
- graphics/gthumb, Required to run
- graphics/lcms2, Required to run
- graphics/gphoto2, Required to run
- converters/wkhtmltopdf, Required to run
- math/R, Required to run
- math/grace, Required to run
- math/xldlas, Required to run
- mail/spamprobe, Required to run
- mail/xfmail, Required to run
- mail/thunderbird45, Required to run
- mail/thunderbird, Required to run
- time/xonclock, Required to run
- multimedia/mplayer, Required to run
- multimedia/mjpegtools, Required to run
- multimedia/libflash, Required to run
- multimedia/libquicktime, Required to run
- multimedia/harvid, Required to run
- multimedia/mpv, Required to run
- multimedia/xawtv, Required to run
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