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The following packages where found to depend on lang/perl5Previous - Results
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Next- www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL, Required to run
- www/p5-Apache2-AuthCookie, Required to run
- www/p5-HTML-Restrict, Required to run
- www/p5-CGI-Emulate-PSGI, Required to run
- www/p5-Plack-Middleware-Deflater, Required to run
- www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File, Required to run
- www/p5-Catalyst-View-Jemplate, Required to run
- www/p5-Catalyst-View-TT, Required to run
- www/p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-Boolean, Required to run
- www/whisker, Required to run
- www/p5-CatalystX-CRUD-YUI, Required to run
- www/p5-HTML-Tagset, Required to run
- www/p5-HTML-RewriteAttributes, Required to run
- www/p5-Apache-Test, Required to run
- www/p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class, Required to run
- www/p5-HTML-WikiConverter, Required to run
- www/p5-HTML-Template, Required to run
- www/dillo, Required to run
- www/p5-Dancer2, Required to run
- www/p5-HTML-Format, Required to run
- www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader, Required to run
- www/p5-WWW-Facebook-API, Required to run
- www/php-owncloud, Required to run
- www/p5-WordPress-XMLRPC, Required to run
- www/p5-Kwiki-Wikiwyg, Required to run
- www/p5-WWW-Mechanize, Required to run
- www/p5-Router-Simple, Required to run
- www/p5-HTML-Scrubber, Required to run
- www/p5-WWW-Mechanize-Shell, Required to run
- www/p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Session, Required to run
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