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The following packages where found to depend on devel/pangoPrevious - Results
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Next- devel/gst-plugins0.10-pango, Required to run
- devel/libwnck, Required to run
- devel/libgnomeui, Required to run
- devel/ruby-gnome2-pango, Required to run
- devel/guile-gnome, Required to run
- devel/distccmon-gnome, Required to run
- devel/pangox-compat, Required to run
- devel/libbonoboui, Required to run
- devel/SDL_Pango, Required to run
- devel/libsexy, Required to run
- net/guacamole-server, Required to run
- net/vino, Required to run
- x11/vte029, Required to run
- x11/rofi, Required to run
- x11/gtkdatabox, Required to run
- x11/xplanet, Required to run
- x11/gnome-session, Required to run
- x11/dunst, Required to run
- x11/gtk3, Required to run
- x11/py-terminator, Required to run
- x11/gtksourceview, Required to run
- x11/eekboard, Required to run
- x11/gtksourceview2, Required to run
- x11/gtk2, Required to run
- x11/mate-control-center, Required to run
- x11/gdm, Required to run
- x11/ocaml-lablgtk, Required to run
- x11/vte, Required to run
- x11/zenity, Required to run
- x11/fast-user-switch-applet, Required to run
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