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The following packages where found to depend on sysutils/dbusPrevious - Results
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Next- devel/GConf, Required to run
- net/p5-Net-DBus, Required to run
- net/wpa_supplicant, Required to run
- net/dhcpcd-dbus, Required to run
- net/avahi, Required to run
- net/twitux, Required to run
- net/mate-user-share, Required to run
- net/gtk-gnutella, Required to run
- net/ekiga, Required to run
- net/filezilla, Required to run
- x11/lxappearance, Required to run
- x11/compton, Required to run
- x11/mate-control-center, Required to run
- x11/gnome-session, Required to run
- x11/gnome-screensaver, Required to run
- x11/mate-applets, Required to run
- x11/gnome-applets, Required to run
- x11/qt4-qdbus, Required to run
- x11/qt5-qtbase, Required to run
- x11/lxsession, Required to run
- x11/gnome-control-center, Required to run
- x11/gdm, Required to run
- x11/xfce4-tumbler, Required to run
- x11/dunst, Required to run
- x11/lxde-common, Required to run
- x11/py-qt4, Required to run
- x11/mate-session-manager, Required to run
- www/epiphany, Required to run
- misc/libreoffice, Required to run
- audio/pulseaudio, Required to run
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