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The following packages where found to depend on fonts/ttmkfdir2Previous - Results
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- fonts/alee-ttf, Required to run
- fonts/sourcecodepro-fonts, Required to run
- fonts/consolamono-ttf, Required to run
- fonts/ipaexfont, Required to run
- fonts/aegean-ttf, Required to run
- fonts/takao-fonts-ttf, Required to run
- fonts/anatolian-ttf, Required to run
- fonts/intlfonts, Required to run
- fonts/inconsolata-g, Required to run
- fonts/ms-ttf, Required to run
- fonts/geoslab703-ttf, Required to run
- fonts/pixel-sagas-startrek, Required to run
- fonts/kanjistrokeorders-ttf, Required to run
- fonts/font-misc-ethiopic, Required to run
- fonts/Inter-UI, Required to run
- fonts/droid-ttf, Required to run
- fonts/EB-Garamond, Required to run
- fonts/Merriweather-ttf, Required to run
- fonts/vera-ttf, Required to run
- fonts/FiraCode, Required to run
- fonts/vlgothic-ttf, Required to run
- fonts/ubuntu-fonts, Required to run
- fonts/Hasklig, Required to run
- fonts/ohruri-ttf, Required to run
- fonts/croscorefonts, Required to run
- www/amaya, Required to run
- emulators/tcl-hp-15c, Required to run
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