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The following packages where found to depend on lang/g95Previous - Results
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Next- devel/p5-ExtUtils-F77, Required to run
- devel/libtool-fortran, Required to run
- devel/libctl, Required to run
- devel/netcdf-fortran, Required to run
- devel/hdf, Required to run
- math/xmgr, Required to run
- math/R-mvtnorm, Required to run
- math/R-lmtest, Required to run
- math/py-rpy, Required to run
- math/R-lmm, Required to run
- math/blitz++, Required to run
- math/R-RandomFields, Required to run
- math/R-gss, Required to run
- math/R-splancs, Required to run
- math/blas, Required to run
- math/coinmp, Required to run
- math/R-randomForest, Required to run
- math/R-xts, Required to run
- math/R-sgeostat, Required to run
- math/slatec, Required to run
- math/R-statmod, Required to run
- math/R-forecast, Required to run
- math/eispack, Required to run
- math/harminv, Required to run
- math/py-numpy, Required to run
- math/odepack, Required to run
- math/dcdflib.f, Required to run
- math/R-fracdiff, Required to run
- math/quadpack, Required to run
- math/R-SparseM, Required to run
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