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The following packages where found to depend on shells/bashPrevious - Results
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Next- net/xymon, Required to run
- multimedia/dvd-slideshow, Required to run
- multimedia/ssr, Required to run
- multimedia/xawtv, Required to run
- multimedia/goggles, Required to run
- multimedia/mjpegtools, Required to run
- databases/apache-cassandra2, Required to run
- databases/apache-cassandra, Required to run
- databases/percona-toolkit, Required to run
- databases/elasticsearch, Required to run
- databases/pgpool2, Required to run
- www/php-nextcloud, Required to run
- www/typo3_62, Required to run
- www/py-pelican, Required to run
- www/trafficserver, Required to run
- www/jetty7, Required to run
- www/icedtea-web, Required to run
- www/ruby-jekyll-gist, Required to run
- www/contao35, Required to run
- www/jetty9, Required to run
- www/nanoblogger, Required to run
- www/php-owncloud, Required to run
- www/ies4linux, Required to run
- www/go-toml-pelletier, Required to run
- math/eukleides, Required to run
- math/eukleides10, Required to run
- x11/slim, Required to run
- x11/worker, Required to run
- textproc/rarian, Required to run
- textproc/lit2epub, Required to run
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