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The following packages where found to depend on devel/glib2Previous - Results
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- comms/libticonv, Required to run
- comms/libticalcs2, Required to run
- comms/libopensync-plugin-syncml, Required to run
- filesystems/fuse-sshfs, Required to run
- filesystems/fuse-curlftpfs, Required to run
- filesystems/fuse-gphotofs, Required to run
- filesystems/fuse-cryptofs, Required to run
- filesystems/fuse-wdfs, Required to run
- games/gbrainy, Required to run
- games/hitori, Required to run
- games/gnome-sudoku, Required to run
- games/gnome-games, Required to run
- games/gnome-mastermind, Required to run
- emulators/fs-uae, Required to run
- emulators/libspectrum, Required to run
- emulators/qemu, Required to run
- emulators/gpsim, Required to run
- emulators/unicorn, Required to run
- emulators/gpsim-devel, Required to run
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