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The following packages where found to depend on graphics/hicolor-icon-themePrevious - Results
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Next- sysutils/baloo5, Required to run
- sysutils/caja-dropbox, Required to run
- sysutils/xfce4-power-manager, Required to run
- sysutils/xfce4-taskmanager, Required to run
- sysutils/virt-manager, Required to run
- sysutils/kdf, Required to run
- sysutils/nautilus, Required to run
- sysutils/mate-notification-daemon, Required to run
- sysutils/mate-power-manager, Required to run
- sysutils/xfce4-thunar, Required to run
- sysutils/filelight, Required to run
- sysutils/testdisk, Required to run
- sysutils/k3b, Required to run
- sysutils/mate-sensors-applet, Required to run
- sysutils/gnome-power-manager, Required to run
- sysutils/kuser, Required to run
- sysutils/brasero, Required to run
- sysutils/caja, Required to run
- sysutils/xfce4-thunar-vcs, Required to run
- sysutils/xfce4-netload-plugin, Required to run
- sysutils/xfburn, Required to run
- sysutils/xfce4-battery-plugin, Required to run
- sysutils/gnome-system-tools, Required to run
- sysutils/xfce4-mount-plugin, Required to run
- sysutils/deforaos-browser, Required to run
- sysutils/xfce4-cpugraph-plugin, Required to run
- sysutils/k4dirstat, Required to run
- sysutils/kfloppy, Required to run
- sysutils/xfce4-fsguard-plugin, Required to run
- security/keepassxc, Required to run
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