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The following packages where found to depend on shells/bashPrevious - Results
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Next- lang/mono, Required to run
- lang/swi-prolog-lite, Required to run
- lang/go14, Required to build
- lang/go111, Required to run
- lang/mono2, Required to run
- lang/go19, Required to run
- lang/scala, Required to run
- lang/gcc44, Required to run
- lang/go14, Required to run
- lang/scala-sbt, Required to run
- security/dehydrated, Required to run
- security/Bastille, Required to run
- security/pinepgp, Required to run
- security/password-store, Required to run
- security/lsh, Required to run
- security/sqlmap, Required to run
- time/todotxt, Required to run
- time/memo, Required to run
- audio/abcde, Required to run
- audio/alsa-utils, Required to run
- audio/solfege, Required to run
- audio/gtkpod, Required to run
- graphics/mypaint, Required to run
- graphics/djvulibre-tools, Required to run
- graphics/circos, Required to run
- graphics/f-spot, Required to run
- graphics/geeqie, Required to run
- graphics/papirus-folders, Required to run
- graphics/ivtools, Required to run
- graphics/tuxpaint, Required to run
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