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The following packages where found to depend on sysutils/desktop-file-utilsPrevious - Results
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Next- x11/xpad, Required to run
- x11/py-terminator, Required to run
- x11/mate-desktop, Required to run
- x11/mozo, Required to run
- x11/mate-session-manager, Required to run
- x11/lxterminal, Required to run
- x11/elementary, Required to run
- x11/gcolor2, Required to run
- x11/xfce4-panel, Required to run
- x11/kde-runtime4, Required to run
- x11/xfce4-dashboard, Required to run
- x11/lxsession, Required to run
- x11/gnome-control-center, Required to run
- x11/matchbox-panel, Required to run
- x11/mate-screensaver, Required to run
- x11/xfce4-terminal, Required to run
- x11/unicode-screensaver, Required to run
- x11/xfce4-clipman-plugin, Required to run
- x11/gnome-terminal, Required to run
- x11/deforaos-integration, Required to run
- x11/tile, Required to run
- x11/gtk3, Required to run
- x11/xfce4-session, Required to run
- x11/sakura, Required to run
- x11/xfce4-exo, Required to run
- x11/xfce4-screenshooter, Required to run
- x11/xfce4-notes-plugin, Required to run
- x11/lxde-common, Required to run
- x11/compton, Required to run
- x11/x11vnc, Required to run
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