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The following packages where found to depend on x11/libXpmPrevious - Results
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Next- multimedia/transcode, Required to run
- x11/xteddy, Required to run
- x11/rxvt-unicode, Required to run
- x11/rxvt, Required to run
- x11/fvwm-wharf, Required to run
- x11/xpmroot, Required to run
- x11/xgrk, Required to run
- x11/xxkb, Required to run
- x11/xlupe, Required to run
- x11/stalonetray, Required to run
- x11/mrxvt, Required to run
- audio/xmradio, Required to run
- audio/wmmixer, Required to run
- audio/, Required to run
- audio/wmmp, Required to run
- audio/wmusic, Required to run
- audio/wmsmixer, Required to run
- audio/xmcd, Required to run
- audio/xjadeo, Required to run
- audio/wmmp3, Required to run
- audio/dap, Required to run
- audio/xwave, Required to run
- audio/xanalyser, Required to run
- wm/icewm, Required to run
- wm/ctwm, Required to run
- wm/wmx-gnome, Required to run
- wm/fvwm-devel, Required to run
- wm/piewm, Required to run
- wm/windowmaker, Required to run
- wm/fluxbox, Required to run
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