Subject: CVS commit: [pkgsrc-2007Q3] pkgsrc
From: Geert Hendrickx
Date: 2007-12-10 18:08:15
Message id:

Log Message:
Pullup ticket 2244 - requested by minskim
security update for ruby-actionpack

- pkgsrc/databases/ruby-activerecord/Makefile		1.10
- pkgsrc/databases/ruby-activerecord/distinfo		1.10
- pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activesupport/Makefile		1.12
- pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activesupport/distinfo		1.10
- pkgsrc/mail/ruby-actionmailer/Makefile		1.9
- pkgsrc/mail/ruby-actionmailer/distinfo		1.10
- pkgsrc/www/rails/Makefile				1.6
- pkgsrc/www/rails/PLIST				1.3
- pkgsrc/www/rails/distinfo				1.5
- pkgsrc/www/rails/patches/patch-ab			1.4
- pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack/Makefile			1.9, 1.10
- pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack/PLIST			1.10
- pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack/distinfo			1.10, 1.11
- pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionwebservice/Makefile		1.8
- pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionwebservice/distinfo		1.9

   Module Name:    pkgsrc
   Committed By:   minskim
   Date:           Tue Oct 16 02:56:02 UTC 2007

   Modified Files:
	   pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activesupport: Makefile distinfo

   Log Message:
   Update ruby-activesupport to 1.4.4.

   * Backport: allow array and hash query parameters. Array route
     parameters are converted/to/a/path as before.
   * Demote Hash#to_xml to use XmlSimple#xml_in_string so it can't read
     files or stdin.
   * Document Object#blank?.
   * Update Dependencies to ignore constants inherited from ancestors.
   * Improved multibyte performance by relying less on exception raising
   Module Name:    pkgsrc
   Committed By:   minskim
   Date:           Tue Oct 16 03:17:32 UTC 2007

   Modified Files:
	   pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack: Makefile PLIST distinfo

   Log Message:
   Update ruby-actionpack to 1.13.5.

   * Backport: allow array and hash query parameters. Array route
     parameters are converted/to/a/path as before. #6765, #7047, #7462 [bgipsy,
     Jeremy  McAnally, Dan Kubb, brendan, Diego Algorta Casamayou]
   * Fix in place editor's setter action with non-string fields.  #7418
   * Only accept session ids from cookies, prevents session fixation
   * Change the resource seperator from ; to / change the generated
     routes to use the new-style named routes. e.g. new_group_user_path(@group)
     instead of group_new_user_path(@group). [pixeltrix]
   * Integration tests: introduce methods for other HTTP methods. #6353
   * Improve performance of action caching. Closes #8231 [skaes]
   * Fix errors with around_filters which do not yield, restore 1.1
     behaviour with after filters. Closes #8891 [skaes]
   * Allow you to delete cookies with options. Closes #3685
   * Deprecate pagination. Install the classic_pagination plugin for
     forward compatibility, or move to the superior will_paginate plugin. #8157
   * Fix filtered parameter logging with nil parameter values.  #8422
   * Integration tests: alias xhr to xml_http_request and add a
     request_method argument instead of always using POST. #7124
   * Document caches_action.  #5419 [Jarkko Laine]
   * observe_form always sends the serialized form. #5271
   * Update UrlWriter to accept :anchor parameter. Closes #6771.
   * Replace the current block/continuation filter chain handling by an
     implementation based on a simple loop. Closes #8226 [Stefan Kaes]
   * Return the string representation from an Xml Builder when
     rendering a partial. #5044 [tpope]
   * Cleaned up, corrected, and mildly expanded ActionPack
     documentation. Closes #7190 [jeremymcanally]
   * Small collection of ActionController documentation cleanups.
     Closes #7319
   * Performance: patch cgi/session/pstore to require digest/md5 once
     rather than per #initialize. #7583 [Stefan Kaes]
   * Deprecation: verification with :redirect_to => :named_route
     shouldn't be deprecated. #7525 [Justin French]
   Module Name:    pkgsrc
   Committed By:   minskim
   Date:           Tue Oct 16 03:05:39 UTC 2007

   Modified Files:
	   pkgsrc/databases/ruby-activerecord: Makefile distinfo

   Log Message:
   Update ruby-activerecord to 1.15.5.

   * Depend on Action Pack 1.4.4
   * Fix #count on a has_many :through association so that it
     recognizes the :uniq option. Closes #8801 [lifofifo]
   * Don't clobber includes passed to has_many.count [danger]
   * Make sure has_many uses :include when counting [danger]
   * Save associated records only if the association is already
     loaded.  #8713
   * Changing the :default Date format doesn't break date quoting.  #6312
   * Allow nil serialized attributes with a set class constraint. #7293
   * belongs_to assignment creates a new proxy rather than modifying
     its target in-place.  #8412 []
   * Fix column type detection while loading fixtures.  Closes #7987
   * Document deep eager includes.  #6267 [Josh Susser, Dan Manges]
   * Oracle: extract column length for CHAR also.  #7866 [ymendel]
   * Small additions and fixes for ActiveRecord documentation.  Closes
   * SQLite: binary escaping works with $KCODE='u'.  #7862 [tsuka]
   * Improved cloning performance by relying less on exception raising
   Module Name:    pkgsrc
   Committed By:   minskim
   Date:           Tue Oct 16 03:26:23 UTC 2007

   Modified Files:
	   pkgsrc/mail/ruby-actionmailer: Makefile distinfo

   Log Message:
   Update ruby-actionmailer to 1.3.5.

   * Depend on Action Pack 1.13.5
   Module Name:    pkgsrc
   Committed By:   minskim
   Date:           Tue Oct 16 03:31:02 UTC 2007

   Modified Files:
	   pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionwebservice: Makefile distinfo

   Log Message:
   Update ruby-actionwebservice to 1.2.5.

   * Depend on Action Pack 1.13.5
   * Depend on Active Record 1.15.5
   Module Name:    pkgsrc
   Committed By:   minskim
   Date:           Tue Oct 16 04:03:43 UTC 2007

   Modified Files:
	   pkgsrc/www/rails: Makefile PLIST distinfo
	   pkgsrc/www/rails/patches: patch-ab

   Log Message:
   Update rails to 1.2.5.


   * Correct RAILS_GEM_VERSION regexp. Use =version gem requirement
     instead of ~>version so you don't get surprised by a beta gem in
     production.  This change means upgrading to 1.2.5 will require a boot.rb
   * Move custom inflections example so available before route
   * Add a new rake task to aid debugging of named routes.
   * use Gem.find_name instead of search when freezing gems. Prevent
     false positives for other gems with rails in the name. Closes #8729
   * Fix syntax error in dispatcher than wrecked failsafe responses.
   * Add Active Resource to rails:freeze:edge and drop Action Web
   * Give generate scaffold a more descriptive database message.
     Closes #7316
   * Canonicalize RAILS_ROOT by using File.expand_path on Windows,
     which doesn't have to worry about symlinks, and Pathname#realpath
     elsewhere, which respects symlinks in relative paths but is incompatible
     with Windows. #6755 [Jeremy Kemper, trevor]
   Module Name:    pkgsrc
   Committed By:   minskim
   Date:           Mon Dec 10 05:47:03 UTC 2007

   Modified Files:
	   pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack: Makefile distinfo

   Log Message:
   Update ruby-actionpack to 1.13.6.

   * Correct Broken Fix for session_fixation attacks
   * Ensure that cookies handle array values correctly.  Closes #9937
