Path to this page:
Apache HTTP (Web) server, version 2
Branch: pkgsrc-2007Q4,
Version: 2.2.8,
Package name: apache-2.2.8,
Maintainer: tronThe Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an
open-source HTTP server for various modern desktop and server operating
systems, such as UNIX and Windows NT. The goal of this project is to
provide a secure, efficient and extensible server which provides HTTP
services in sync with the current HTTP standards.
Required to run:[
textproc/expat] [
lang/perl5] [
devel/apr] [
Required to build:[
devel/pkg-config] [
Master sites: (Expand)
SHA1: 5074904435d3d942ce2dc96c44b07294b8eaca77
RMD160: 0736ea9617bafaa1c8cd34ce4fc1c7a659afea57
Filesize: 4686.577 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2008-02-17) Updated to version: apache-2.2.8
- (2008-01-12) Package added to, version apache-2.2.6nb2 (created)
CVS history: (Expand)
2008-01-29 15:24:36 by Geert Hendrickx | Files touched by this commit (5) |  |
Log message:
Pullup ticket 2282 - requested by tron
security update for apache22
- pkgsrc/www/apache22/Makefile 1.24 via patch
- pkgsrc/www/apache22/Makefile.common 1.7
- pkgsrc/www/apache22/PLIST 1.4
- pkgsrc/www/apache22/distinfo 1.9
- pkgsrc/www/apache22/patches/patch-ab removed
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: xtraeme
Date: Mon Jan 21 15:07:11 UTC 2008
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/www/apache22: Makefile Makefile.common PLIST distinfo
Removed Files:
pkgsrc/www/apache22/patches: patch-ab
Log message:
Update to 2.2.8, please check
for the list of changes.