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Funge interpreter
Branch: pkgsrc-2013Q4,
Version: 2.02,
Package name: rcfunge-2.02,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-users RC/Funge-98 is a funge interpreter based upon the Funge-98 specification
by Cats-Eye Technologies. The full language specification (including the
'i', 'o', '=', and 't' commands) are supported. Unefunge, befunge, and trefunge
all supported by RC/Funge-98, with befunge being the default mode. Several
extensions are also provided, including minimal windows support (currently
only on unix version).
Master sites:
Version history: (Expand)
- (2014-01-01) Package has been reborn
- (2013-12-31) Package added to, version rcfunge-2.02 (created)