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swi-prolog-packages Packages for SWI Prolog
tcl Tool Command Language, a dynamic language
tcl-expect Extensions to Tcl to support scripting of interactive programs
tcl-itcl O-O system for Tcl
tcl-otcl MIT Object Tcl
tinyscheme R5RS small embeddable scheme implementation
twelf Meta-language for proving properties of languages and logics
ucblogo Brian Harvey's logo language interpreter
umb-scheme UMB Scheme interpreter
utilisp UTI Lisp
vala Compiler for the GObject type system (0.12 branch)
vala014 Compiler for the GObject type system (0.14 branch)
vala018 Compiler for the GObject type system
vala020 Compiler for the GObject type system
vscm Portable scheme implementation
vslisp Embeddable Lisp library and standalone interpreter
wsbasic Simple BASIC interpreter
yabasic Yet another Basic for Unix and Windows
yap ISO-compliant Prolog