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mini_httpd Small, forking webserver with IPv6 and SSL support
mknmz-wwwoffle Full text indexing and searching system for wwwoffle's cache directory
mMosaic Modern derivative of NCSA XMosaic
mongrel Fast HTTP library and server for Ruby
mongrel-cluster Mongrel plugin to manage a mongrel cluster
mongrel-config Mongrel web-based configuration tool
mongrel-console Mongrel & Rails IRB console
mongrel-upload-progress Mongrel plugin to track file upload status
mono-xsp Standalone web server written in C#
moodle Course management system based on social constructionism
mserv-php Quick web interface to mserv audio jukebox
nanoblogger Small weblog engine for the UNIX command line
nanoblogger-extra Collection of various contributions and add-ons for nanoblogger
neon HTTP and WebDAV client library
netscape Open new window using netscape-like browser
netsurf Web browser for RISC OS and UNIX-like platforms
nginx Lightweight HTTP server and mail proxy server
nginx-devel Lightweight HTTP server and mail proxy server
ns-cult3d (V) Netscape plugin for cult 3d files
ns-plugger-common Streaming multimedia plugin for Netscape
ns-remote Remote-control of Netscape and Mozilla-based browsers
nspluginwrapper Use Netscape compatible plugins from other platforms
nvu Web Authoring System
ocaml-curl OCaml bindings to the CURL library
ocaml-http Simple OCaml HTTP daemon library
ocsigen Web programming framework for OCaml
opera Standards-compliant graphical Web browser
opera-acroread7 Acrobat Reader 7 plugin for opera
opera-plugins Plugins for the Opera browser
p5-Alien-GvaScript Gva extension to the prototype javascript framework
p5-AnyEvent-HTTP Perl 5 module providing simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client
p5-AnyEvent-HTTPD Perl 5 simple lightweight event based web (application) server
p5-AnyEvent-IRC (V) Perl 5 event based IRC protocol client API
p5-AnyEvent-ReverseHTTP Perl 5 module providing reversehttp for AnyEvent
p5-AnyEvent-SCGI Perl 5 module providing a event based SCGI server
p5-Apache-ASP Perl5/Apache module of Perl-coded Active Server Pages
p5-Apache-AuthCookie Perl5 module for Authentication and Authorization via cookies
p5-Apache-AuthCookieDBI Perl5 module AuthCookie backed by a DBI database
p5-Apache-DBILogConfig Database-independent Apache database logger
p5-Apache-DBILogger Database-independent httpd database logging module
p5-Apache-Filter Perl5 module to alter the output of previous Apache handlers
p5-Apache-Gallery Perl5/Apache module for handling image directories
p5-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler Compile a log format string to perl-code
p5-Apache-Reload Perl5 module to reload changed modules
p5-Apache-Session Perl5 module to provide persistent storage
p5-Apache-Session-SharedMem Apache::Session module that stores session data in shared memory
p5-Apache-Session-Wrapper Perl5 module doing a wrapper around Apache::Session
p5-Apache-SSI Perl5 module to implement Server Side Includes
p5-Apache-Test Wrapper for to test an Apache server
p5-Apache2-AuthCASSimple Apache2 module to authenticate through a CAS server
p5-Apache2-AuthCookie Perl5 module for Authentication and Authorization via cookies
p5-Apache2-AuthCookieDBI Perl5 module AuthCookie backed by a DBI database
p5-App-Nopaste Perl 5 module providing easy access to any pastebin
p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API
p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA-Mailhide Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA Mailhide API
p5-Catalyst-Action-RenderView Catalyst render action target
p5-Catalyst-Action-REST Automated REST Method Dispatching
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP HTTP Basic and Digest authentication for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP-Proxy HTTP Proxy authentication for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class Storage class for Catalyst Authentication using DBIx::Class
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd Authen::Htpasswd based user storage/authentication
p5-Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT Make current Catalyst request context available in Models and Views
p5-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext Return a new instance a component on each request
p5-Catalyst-Controller-BindLex Put lexicals on the catalyst stash
p5-Catalyst-Controller-FormBuilder Catalyst FormBuilder Base Controller
p5-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu Catalyst integration for HTML::FormFu
p5-Catalyst-Devel Development tool kit for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Engine-JobQueue-POE Implementing a Catalyst job queue with POE
p5-Catalyst-Engine-PSGI Perl 5 PSGI engine for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Manual Manual for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Model-Adaptor Use a plain class as a Catalyst model
p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema (V) DBIx::Class::Schema Model Class
p5-Catalyst-Model-File File based storage model for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication Infrastructure plugin for the Catalyst authentication framework
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-RDBO Authentication and authorization against a Rose::DB::Object
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL ACL support for Catalyst applications
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles Role based authorization for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-AutoRestart Restart Catalyst when specified memory threshold reached
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader Load Catalyst config from YAML file
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N I18N for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-RequireSSL Force SSL mode on select pages
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Server Base Server plugin for RPC-able protocols
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session Generic Catalyst Session plugin
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie Maintain session IDs using cookies
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBIC DBIC session storage backend
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Delegate Delegate session storage to an application model object
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap FastMmap session storage backend
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File File storage backend for session data
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace Display a stack trace on the debug screen
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple Serve static files with Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StatusMessage Handle passing of status messages between screens of a web application
p5-Catalyst-Runtime The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework
p5-Catalyst-View-Excel-Template-Plus Catalyst View for Excel::Template::Plus
p5-Catalyst-View-Jemplate Jemplate view class for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-JSON JSON view for your data in Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-Mason HTML::Mason view class for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-TT Template Toolkit view class for Catalyst
p5-CatalystX-Component-Traits Automatic Trait Loading and Resolution for Catalyst Components
p5-CatalystX-CRUD-Controller-REST Catalyst::Controller::REST with CRUD
p5-CatalystX-CRUD-Controller-RHTMLO Rose::HTML::Objects CRUD controller