./editors/hexedit, To view and edit files in hexadecimal or ASCII

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Branch: pkgsrc-2013Q2, Version: 1.2.13, Package name: hexedit-1.2.13, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Hexedit view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII.
hexedit shows a file both in ASCII and in hexadecimal.
The file can be a device as the file is not whole read.
You can modify the file and search through it.
You have also copy&paste, and save to file functions.
Modifications are shown in bold.

Master sites:

SHA1: 1acb7ca37063d9f4b4d118ef223548fde3b753f1
RMD160: cb4fe716cf8f3bfb614ea890aec20d7865e2c271
Filesize: 67.166 KB

Version history: (Expand)