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ruby-gnome2-atk Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later
ruby-gnome2-bonobo Ruby binding of libbonobo-2.x or later
ruby-gnome2-bonoboui Ruby binding of libbonoboui-2.x or later
ruby-gnome2-gconf Ruby binding of GConf-1.2.x or later
ruby-gnome2-gdkpixbuf (V) Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x
ruby-gnome2-glib Ruby binding of GLib-2.x
ruby-gnome2-libglade Ruby binding of libglade
ruby-gnome2-pango Ruby binding of pango-1.x
ruby-heckle Code mutation tester for Ruby
ruby-highline High-level console IO library
ruby-i18n New wave Internationalization support for Ruby
ruby-inline Embed C/C++ code directly in Ruby
ruby-innate (V) Powerful web-framework wrapper for Rack
ruby-linecache Ruby module to read and cache lines of a file
ruby-little-plugger Module that provides Gem based plugin management
ruby-locale Pure ruby library which provides basic APIs for localization
ruby-locale-rails Rails localized functions using ruby-locale
ruby-lockfile Ruby library for creating NFS safe lockfiles
ruby-log4r Flexible logging library
ruby-logging Flexible logging library for Ruby based on log4j
ruby-mail (V) Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails
ruby-memcache Ruby wrapper for memcache
ruby-metaid Ruby metaprogramming helpers
ruby-mkrf Library for generating Rakefiles
ruby-mocha Ruby library for mocking and stubbing
ruby-mode Ruby editing mode for Emacs
ruby-ncurses Ruby interface to ncurses
ruby-needle Dependency injection for Ruby
ruby-parser Ruby parser written in pure ruby
ruby-parsetree Extract and enumerate Ruby parse trees
ruby-pathname2 Alternate implementation of the Pathname library
ruby-pkg-config pkg-config implemented by pure Ruby
ruby-plist (V) Manipulate Property List files
ruby-polyglot Registry of file types to load with its improved version of 'require'
ruby-priority-queue Fibonacci-heap priority-queue implementation for Ruby
ruby-racc LALR(1) parser generator for Ruby
ruby-railties Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails applications
ruby-rbtree Sorted associative collection using Red-Black Trees for Ruby
ruby-rcov code coverage analysis for Ruby
ruby-rcsparse RCS parsing library for Ruby
ruby-rd-mode Editing mode for RD (Ruby Document Format)
ruby-readline Ruby extension to readline library
ruby-rgl Framework for graph data structures and algorithms
ruby-rspec Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby
ruby-SDL Ruby extension library to use SDL library
ruby-setup Common installer script for ruby packages
ruby-sexp-processor Generic sexp processing tools
ruby-simple_uuid Simple, scalable UUID generation for Ruby
ruby-stream Interface for external iterators
ruby-subexec Subexec spawns an external command with a timeout
ruby-subversion Ruby bindings for Subversion
ruby-termcolor ANSI color formatting like HTML for output in terminal
ruby-test-spec BDD interface over Test::Unit
ruby-test-unit Improved version of Test::Unit
ruby-thor Scripting framework that replaces rake, sake and rubigen
ruby-thrift Ruby libraries for Thrift (a language-agnostic RPC system)
ruby-thrift_client Thrift client wrapper for Ruby
ruby-uuidtools Simple universally unique ID generation library
ruby-validatable Library for adding database/object validations
ruby2ruby Pure Ruby code from Ruby S-expressions
rubyforge Simplistic script automating RubyForge operations
rudiments C++ class library for client/server/daemon applications
rvm Recoverable Virtual Memory
rx Fast replacement for the GNU regex library
sablecc Java based Compiler Compiler
sapnwrfcsdk SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK
scmcvs Concurrent Versions System
scmgit GIT version control suite meta-package
scmgit-base GIT Tree History Storage Tool (base package)
scmgit-docs GIT Tree History Storage Tool (documentation)
scons Python-based, open-source build system
sdcc Cross compile 8051 code
SDL Simple DirectMedia Layer, a cross-platform multimedia library
SDL_gfx Basic drawing routines for SDL
SDL_Pango Connects the text rendering engine of GNOME 2.x. with SDL
SDL_ttf Use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications
SDL-intro-en Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (English)
SDL-intro-ko Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (Korean)
SDLmm C++ Wrapper for the Simple DirectMedia Layer
semantic Lexer, parser-generator, and parser written for Emacs
semi Emacs lisp library to provide MIME feature
sfio Safe and Fast IO library
sgb The Stanford GraphBase
sgi-stl SGI Standard Template Library
sgi-stl-docs SGI Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide
silc-toolkit Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) protocol Toolkit
slib Portable Scheme library of compatibility and utility functions
sml-mode Emacs mode for editing Standard ML source code
smpeg (V) SDL MPEG Player Library
sparse Semantic parser for C
sparsehash Several hash-map implementations in use at Google
spiff Make controlled approximate comparisons between files
splint Statically check C programs
st Non-preemptive thread library for Internet applications
stgit Stacked GIT
stlport Complete C++ standard library
stooop Simple Tcl Only Object Oriented Programming scheme
subversion Version control system, meta-package
subversion-base Version control system, base programs and libraries
sunifdef Tool for eliminating superfluous C preprocessor conditionals